DEEP is eager to engage the community in its permitting and policymaking process. Whether you’re seeking a permit, want to share your opinions about potential permits that could affect your area, or want to help shape environmental policy, we are here to listen and to assist you in any way possible.

About the Permitting Process

We encourage all potential participants, or stakeholders, to understand how the permitting process works so they can better engage in this process. Here are a few resources you may find helpful:

How to Engage the Surrounding Community

Keep in mind that before any permit applications can be filed that involve applicable facilities in Environmental Justice Communities, an Environmental Justice Plan must be submitted for review by email to Edith Pestana of the Environmental Justice Program at

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful in putting together your Environmental Justice Plan:

How to Participate in Public Hearings

The Office of Adjudications conducts hearings and issues written decisions in contested cases regarding environmental permitting, licensing, and enforcement matters as requested or required by law. The Connecticut Judicial Branch is also committed to making its processes accessible to people who speak other languages. You can read more about their language access plan here.

Ways to Connect

  • For environmental justice administrative inquiries, please contact Edith Pestana (Program Administrator) at (860) 424-3044 or
  • For community and education coordination inquiries, please contact Doris Johnson (Outreach & Education Coordinator) at (860) 424-3053 or