The State of Connecticut wants to ensure that all residents have access to the incredible natural resources that make this state such a great place to live. Here are just a few of the programs we offer to reach out to our residents with information and to engage our children in learning more about protecting our environment.

Explore These Programs/Information Sources

Urban Forestry Programs
Explore opportunities for municipalities, organizations, and individuals to become engaged in effective urban forestry activities, including improved care and maintenance of the urban forest.

No Child Left Inside Program
Learn more about this program designed to introduce children to the wonder of nature – for their own health and well-being, for the future of environmental conservation, and for the preservation of the beauty, character, and communities of Connecticut.

Outdoor Recreational Opportunities for Those with Disabilities
Learn how DEEP is working to ensure that all visitors have access to the many outdoor recreational opportunities available at Connecticut State Parks and Forests.

Fish with CARE (CT Aquatic Resources Education)
Find out about “learn to fish” classes that are open to all Connecticut residents — and taught by state-certified fishing instructors.

Community Fishing Waters
Explore the fish found in Connecticut waters with the help of this list of community fishing waters and maps of fishing locations throughout the state.


Leverage These Educational Resources

Educational Information for the Classroom
Find information and resources for use in the classroom, at home, or in your local community, including educator workshops, student field trips, and public education courses.  

Educator Workshops
Find out how to bring these resources into your classroom or program by attending one of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s interesting teacher workshops.

Public Education Courses
Find public education courses across a variety of outdoor topics including hunting, safe boating, fishing, forest practitioners, aquifer protection, and more.

Environmental Curriculum on Climate Change
Explore educational programs, events, and educator workshops throughout the year, with some that focus on air quality and climate change.

Student Field Trip Sites
Explore this helpful list of student field trip locations throughout the state with details about what to expect at each destination. 

Ways to Connect

  • For environmental justice administrative inquiries, please contact Edith Pestana (Program Administrator) at (860) 424-3044 or
  • For community and education coordination inquiries, please contact Doris Johnson (Outreach & Education Coordinator) at (860) 424-3053 or