Reduce  Chasing Arrows  Reuse   Chasing Arrows  Recycle

General Recycling Photos

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better.  It's not."
~ Dr. Seuss, from The Lorax

In 2015 we recycled and composted about 35% of our waste in Connecticut.  That rate might seem impressive; however, it has remained relatively flat over the past decade. Connecticut still disposes of 2.4 million tons of trash annually, an estimated 1,370 pounds of trash per person per year.  That's too much!  We not only can do better, we must do better by transforming solid waste management  into a materials economy that can create jobs through recycling.

Learn more about how we manage our waste in Connecticut and how to help us move toward our vision for even more waste reduction, reuse and recycling, by using the navigation links on the left and in the sections below.  Specific information on local recycling programs and locations is available through your municipal recycling coordinator.  DEEP's "What Do I Do With...?"  webpage may help CT residents decide how to recycle or dispose of that not-so-common item. To learn more about how to recycle properly visit RecycleCT.

Chasing Arrows  Recycling at Multi-Family Properties Flyer  

Paint Can with Brush Learn about CT's new Paint Recycling program.

TV with VCR Recycle your computers and TVs at these locations .