Solid Waste Management in Connecticut
Through Connecticut General Statutes Section 22a-228(b), Connecticut has formally adopted an integrated waste management hierarchy as a guiding framework for solid waste management efforts. Connecticut's system adheres to this hierarchy by emphasizing source reduction, recycling, composting, and energy recovery from solid waste, while relying on landfill disposal and incineration as a last resorts. The Connecticut Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy (CMMS) has replaced the former statewide Solid Waste Management Plan. Critical to the successful implementation of the CMMS is the State Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee created to assist the Department in implementing the CMMS, identify emerging issues and solutions, and to participate in any revisions to the CMMS as necessary. Please explore the solid waste web pages below to learn more about solid waste management in Connecticut. Questions can be directed to the Solid Waste Office at 860-424-3366. If you know the name of the DEEP employee who can help you, use the staff finder.- Reduce/Reuse/Recycle
- Statutes & Regulations
- Permitting
- Solid Waste Facilities
- Waste Requiring Special Handling
- Operator Certification
- Transforming Solid Waste Management Into a Materials Economy
Related Topics
Permitted Solid Waste Facilities
- Map of Permitted Municipal Solid Waste ("MSW") Facility Locations in Connecticut
- The interactive map depicts the different categories of solid waste facilities located within the State of Connecticut that are authorized to handle MSW. Selecting a facility icon will reveal the individual facility's specific permitted capacity for MSW, the company contact, and the facility's phone number.
- Active Landfills in CT
- Registered Municipal Transfer Stations - Updated
- Permitted Transfer Stations
- Recycling Processing Facilities/Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs)
- Construction & Demolition Processing Facilities
- Resource Recovery Facilities
- Clean Wood Processing Facilities
- Registered Active Leaf Composting Facilities
- Food Residual Composting Facilities
- Registered Facilities under the Commercial General Permit
- Permitted Biomedical Waste Facilities
- DEEP Permits and Licenses Main Webpage (for all DEEP permitting information)
- Common DEEP Application Forms
- Solid Waste Permitting Fact Sheet
- Permit Application Forms for General & Individual Solid Waste Permits
- Permit Authorization Pathways for Food Waste Management
- Permitting of Municipal Transfer Stations and Recycling Centers
- Stewardship Permits
- Special Waste or Asbestos Disposal Authorization Fact Sheet
Solid Waste that Requires Special Handling
- Electronic Waste (E-waste)
- Recycling and Disposal of Scrap Tires
- Management of Contaminated Environmental Media FAQ
- Construction, Demolition and Renovation Waste
- Guidelines for Municipal Management of Street Sweepings and Catch Basin Cleanings
- Biomedical Waste
- Identification of Potential Ash Residue Disposal Sites (CT DEEP, January 1989, pdf)
Statutes and Regulations
- Recycling Laws and Regulations
- Regulations for Solid Waste Management
- Proposed Revisions to Solid Waste Management Regulations (revised October 30, 2008)
- Proposed Revisions to Clean Fill Regulation (draft October 30, 2008)
- Solid Waste Management Regs Revision Overview (presentation by Diane Duva, Nov. 14, 2008)
Contact Us
Do you have a question about solid waste? Please call our toll-free COMPASS hotline at 1-888-424-4193, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except state holidays), or send us an email.
Would you like to file a complaint about the mismanagement of solid waste? Please call our COMPASS hotline at 1-888-424-4193, or send us an email.
Content Last Updated February 27, 2025