State of Connecticut
Disaster Debris Management Preparedness


See below for information relating to the cleanup of debris from the severe storm event of August 18, 2024.  See the rest of this web page for more information about the management of storm debris in Connecticut.

Emergency Authorization for Solid Waste Management Resulting from the Natural Disaster of the Severe Storm Event of August 18, 2024.

See below for information relating to the cleanup of debris from Hurricane Henri.  See the rest of this web page for more information about the management of storm debris in Connecticut.

Emergency Authorization for Solid Waste Management Resulting from Hurricane Henri, Statewide in Connecticut

See below for information relating to the cleanup of debris from the severe storm event of 8/27/2020, which affected New Haven County and other areas in Connecticut.  See also the alert box below for Tropical Storm Isaias and the rest of this web page for more information about the management of storm debris in Connecticut.

Emergency Authorization for Solid Waste Management Resulting from the Natural Disaster of the Severe Weather Event of 2020-08-27 in the County of New Haven and in Other Areas of Connecticut

See below for information relating to the cleanup of storm debris from Tropical Storm Isaias.  Please note that this information is likely to change with time.  Local officials involved in disaster debris management are advised to check this web page frequently for updates.

Statewide Emergency Authorization for Solid Waste Management Resulting from the Natural Disaster of Tropical Storm Isaias, August 4, 2020 and the August 3, 2020 Tornado in the County of Litchfield, Connecticut

— Solid Waste Management - Household Garbage & Storm Debris

— Picking up the Pieces - Putting Your Debris at the Curb for Pickup

— Public Information Concerning Disaster Debris Pickup
Connecticut is a coastal state with a high probability of being affected by a natural disaster such as a hurricane or similar type of destructive storm. The State’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) has identified a Category 3 hurricane as the most probable, worst case scenario facing the State, as well as it having the greatest destructive potential of all natural disasters. The State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), has projected that the amount of debris that could be generated by such an event could range from 18 to 20 million tons. It has been estimated that the amount of debris generated from the Hurricane of 1938 totaled 20 million tons. In Connecticut, the quantity of solid waste (municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris) normally processed and disposed annually is 5 million tons.

Municipal Resources:

On this Page:

The State has prepared two primary documents that cover natural disaster and related state-wide level response and operations: the State Response Framework ("SRF") and the State Disaster Debris Management Plan (Emergency Support Function (ESF 3) of the SRF).  Strategies for the cleanup of debris are presented in both of these Plans. In November 2007, the State submitted the State Disaster Debris Management Plan to FEMA for approval under their Public Assistance pilot program. For the Plan to be approved, it had to meet certain criteria set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

In January 2008, FEMA notified the State that the plan received conditional approval pending the State’s establishing pre-event contracts for debris removal operations and for the monitoring of these operations. In August 2008, the State successfully completed this work of establishing these contracts. In September 2008, the State revised this Plan to reflect this change and resubmitted it to FEMA for final approval. FEMA approved the plan on September 22, 2008.

Since 2008, the State has been impacted by six natural disasters that received Federal Disaster Declarations.  The updated State Disaster Debris Management Plan, June 2013, captures the experience and lessons learned from these events. The State has executed monitoring and removal contracts to assist in the State's recovery efforts resulting from a natural disaster debris-producing event.

Plans, Guidance Documents and Contracts

The State of Connecticut Disaster Recovery Framework, dated July 2018, was prepared by DESPP. The Plan establishes the mission assignments of state agencies in responding to natural disasters of a severity and magnitude typical for Connecticut. The Plan describes the interaction of state government with local governments, private response organizations (e.g., utilities, the American Red Cross) and the federal government in natural disaster situations.

The State Disaster Debris Management Plan (ESF 3 of the SRF) establishes the framework for proper management of debris generated by a natural disaster, with the goal of facilitating prompt and efficient recovery that is cost effective, eligible for FEMA reimbursement, and protective of the environment.

The Plan is an important planning document for all levels of government – federal, state and local. The Plan describes the State contracts that are in place to use in response to a catastrophic natural disaster; the contracts are for both debris removal operations and the monitoring of these types of operations (see below for more information on the State Contracts).

The Plan outlines the planning and operation functions for Debris Management Sites and the two phases of clean-up. The Plan includes a number of appendices that provide references to a number of waste management resources.

FEMA approval letter, dated September 22, 2008.

The State Concept of Operations Plan (ConOps) for Disaster Debris Management, Activation and Use of the State Debris Removal and Monitoring Contracts is a companion document to the State Disaster Debris Management Plan, June 2013.  This Plan details the steps that will be taken by the State, its contractors, and other parties to facilitate the removal, management, collection and disposal or recycling of all debris generated from a catastrophic natural disaster, such as a Category 3 hurricane.  This ConOps is tied to the activation and use of the State contracts for disaster debris removal and monitoring.

There is also a one-page ConOps that should be used by municipalities or special taxing districts as a quick-reference guide for small-scale or localized events that may only affect a small area (such as one town).

The debris management strategy for the State is divided into four major operational time periods: pre-landfall phase; phase 1; phase 2; and post-recovery.  Phase 1 and Phase 2 are major focus areas.  Phase 1 is the initial response, typically occurring during the first 24 to 70 hours following an event, and consists primarily of “pushing” the debris along major roadways to the right-of-way shoulders that would otherwise hinder immediate life-saving actions and that poses an immediate threat to public health and safety.  Phase 2, which can last up to a year or longer, consists of removing, segregating, and disposing or recycling of the debris that hinders the orderly recovery of the community and poses less immediate threats to health and safety.  The State contracts may be initiated as early as Phase 1 if it is determined that the storm event may overwhelm State and local emergency response resources.

The Guidance for Connecticut Municipalities-Overview of Disaster Debris Management Planning, 2006 was prepared by the DEEP for the purpose of providing to municipal officials a brief and useful guide to the key elements for planning, mobilizing, organizing, and controlling a large-scale debris clearance, removal and disposal/recycling operation.

A State Contract for the monitoring of the disaster debris removal operations and a contract for the removal of disaster debris were both executed October 2023. These are pre-need and pre-event contracts that can assist the state in disaster debris recovery operations. These contracts:

  • assure the immediate availability of coordinated debris removal support following a debris producing incident.

  • will be used on an as-needed basis; and,

  • will be activated on a statewide basis only by the Governor, typically in the context of an emergency declaration.

Municipal use of state contracts

If a FEMA major disaster declaration is received, then towns could seek 75% reimbursement for additional work beyond the 70 hours.

  • Debris Removal:  Under DAS Contract Award #22PSX0019AA, "AshBritt" provides for clearing, collecting and transporting debris, establishing and operating Debris Management Sites, and ensuring ultimate recycling or disposal of debris. 
  • Debris Monitoring (Reimbursement Documentation):  Under DAS Contract Award #14PSX0018AA, "Tetra Tech, Inc." provides for monitoring of debris removal operations and debris site management.  The monitoring contract also provides comprehensive oversight, guidance and documentation services.  This monitoring is required to receive potential federal reimbursement for disaster debris management expenditures under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance programs, as applicable. 

Additional Resources for Disaster Debris Management Preparedness

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Northeast Recycling Coalition (NERC)

CT Department of Public Health (DPH)


Technical Assistance - Frank Gagliardo, DEEP, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, Solid Waste Enforcement, 860-424-3130 or

Related Information

Coastal Permitting Information

Past Storm Information

Note:  The following information is provided for information purposes only.  Many of the documents listed below were created in response to specific storms, and are no longer in effect.  In any future storms, new documents will be created concerning emergency authorizations, debris management sites, etc., and will be posted on this web page.

 Severe Weather Events:

Snow and Ice Storm - January 20, 2019

Heavy Rains and Flooding - September 25 & 26, 2018

Tornados and Micro/Macro Bursts - May 15, 2018; 

Also: Damage from Dead and Dying Trees
Generated by Recent Pest Infestations

Information for Municipalities

Emergency Authorization

* Includes the Presidential Disaster Declarations - DR-4385-CT (May 15, 2018 Tornados and Micro/Macro Bursts) and DR-4410-CT (Heavy Rains and Flooding)

  Tornados and Micro/Macro Bursts - May 15, 2018

Information for Municipalities

Emergency Authorizations

Debris Management Sites

Storm Sandy - October/November 2012

Information for Municipalities

Emergency Authorizations

Debris Management Sites

Use of State Contractors for Debris Collection and Monitoring

Information for Municipalities and Residents


Storm Alfred and Hurricane Irene - August/October 2011 

Information for Municipalities

Emergency Authorizations

  • Municipal Emergency Authorization - Re-Issuance - Storm Alfred
  • Emergency Authorization for Wood Chip Management - Storm Alfred
  • Municipal Emergency Authorization - Storm Alfred (October Snowstorm)
  • Municipal Emergency Authorization - Hurricane Irene  

    Debris Management Sites

    Use of State Contractors for Debris Collection and Monitoring

    Content last updated August 22, 2024