Food Waste Composting Facilities

The following tables identify the permitted composting and anaerobic digestion facilities allowed to accept food waste and the facilities undergoing permit review by the DEEP. The type of permit they have, e.g. volume reduction or small scale, is largely depended upon the quantity and types of source separated organics they process.  Their permits dictate compliance with specific thresholds and material types, site plans, operation & management plans, reporting, and in some cases monitoring. As such, these facilities may impose quality standards for incoming materials to maintain operational compliance and product consistency.  They may not be allowed or willing to accept everything that a generator wishes to deliver. If you are a waste generator or hauler and want to tip organic feedstocks, please contact the facility directly to confirm and coordinate delivery. 

Some of these facilities sell compost, usually in bulk quantities, to the public, general contractors, and to wholesale/retail markets.  Bagged compost may or may not be available.  Those people wishing to purchase bulk loads are advised to call the contact person first to schedule delivery or pick-up, and to check on price.

To locate these facilities, please look them up on our interactive GIS mapping tool of food waste generators and processing facilities.  This is a large file and may take a few seconds to load completely.  NOTE: This map is best viewed using the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers. 

Permitted Volume Reduction Anaerobic Digestion and Food Waste Composting Facilities

These facilities hold an individual solid waste permit for the Construction and Operation of a Solid Waste Facility. The Current Food Waste Permitting Authorization Pathways table provides additional authorization pathways for the management of food waste.

Town Facility Name Capacity Types of Materials
and Recycling Process
Contact Info
BERLIN2          76 Fuller Way
Bright Feeds

Phase 1:  100 TPD

Phase 2: 450 TPD with depackaging

Food waste into animal feed supplement

Chris Rassias 

Tel. 617-922-7227

ELLINGTON 235 Sadds Mill Rd.

WeCare Denali  New England  43,500 TPY Leaves, mixed yard waste, ground clean wood, food waste, paper mill sludge/fiber, drinking water treatment residuals, vegetable slurry, horse manure & stable bedding Outdoor Turned Windrow

Tel. 860-674-8855             
THOMPSON 157 O'Leary Road

Fort Hill Farm AgGrid, LLC

31,300 TPY                           









Off-site food scraps; food processing residue; fats, oils and grease; and soiled or unrecyclable paper separated at the point or source of generation from nonorganic material

Manure, bedding materials, spilled feed or feed waste; and water used in the neighboring dairy farm operation

Anaerobic Digester

Rashi Akki

Tel. 610-574-8737


60 Boardman Rd.

New Milford Farms

151,865 TPY

Food processing waste, yard and wood waste, livestock manures and bedding, food from restaurant and meal preparation establishments, hydrolyzed plant protein from on-site landfill, compostable plastics & coatings meeting ASTM D6400 & ASTM D6868 and certified by BPI.

Indoor Turned Windrow with Forced Aeration

Raphael Moura

Tel.  860-210-0250 (facility), or
216-337-8426 (cell)


49 DePaolo Dr.

Quantum BioPower - Supreme Energy and Recycling 360 TPD  Food Waste, Food processing residue, liquid beverages, FOG (fats/oils/grease)

Anaerobic Digester (Operational as of December 2016)

Depackaging Building (Operational as of 2021)

Brian Paganini


Food Scrap Diversion Activities

These facilities are registered under the Connecticut Solid Waste Demonstration Project, Temporary authorization1 Beneficial Use Determination2 or other3.

Town Facility Name Capacity Types of Materials
and Recycling Process
Contact Info


76 Fuller Way

Bright Feeds 

Phase 1:  100 TPD

Phase 2: 450 TPD with depackaging


Food waste into animal feed supplement


Chris Rassias 

Tel. 617-922-7227


57 Great Plain Rd.

New England Resources, LLC


No solid waste permit required

Horse manure & stable bedding (4,000 cy); commercial food waste (1,000 cy)

Outdoor Turned Windrow Composting

Jeff Demers

Tel. 203-748-6516 (office)


72 Little Pitch Rd.

Litchfield Recycling Center  6 CY/month Food scrap composting with leaf composting

Naomi Boccio

Tel. 860-567-7575


221 Warrenville Rd.

Town of Mansfield Transfer Station   12.6 Tons/Yr Food scrap composting with leaf composting

Virginia Walton

Tel. 860-429-8583


65 Triano Dr.

Central Connecticut Resource Recovery, Southington 4 TPD  Unit-based pricing/ co-collection pilot project

Kurt Holyst

Tel. 860-426-8583 


180 Johnson St. and 685 Randolph Rd.

City of Middletown Transfer Station

Satellite drop site for receipt and transfer

2, 35-gallon toters

1, 35-gallon toter

Food scrap collection and diversion

Kim O'Rourke

Tel. 860-638-4855


55 South St.

Town of Ridgefield Transfer Station 12  CY/ month  Food scrap composting with leaf composting

Dave Buccetti



154 Greenhaven Rd.

Stonington Transfer Station

Operator - Southern CT Reg. Res. Recovery Authority

2 Pilot Batches: 70 tons total  Food scrap composting pilot project completed, application submitted for a permanent program

Winston Averill

Tel. 860-381-5558


1 Kimberly Ave.

West Haven Lead Compost Facility

 7 tons/ month for machine turned windrows

104 tons total for ASP

Food scrap composting with leaf composting

Dustin Werle

Current Food Waste Permitting Options

Sources of Compost


Content Last Updated June 2024