Air Compliance Assurance Forms

Access various compliance reporting forms which provide systematic communication between DEEP and the regulated community.
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Asbestos Demolition and Renovation

40 CFR part 61, Subpart M, National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Asbestos (Asbestos NESHAP) specifies demolition and renovation work practices involving asbestos and requires that building owners or operators notify the appropriate state or federal agency of potential asbestos hazards prior to demolition or renovation. On December 14, 2017, DEEP voluntarily and partially withdrew from the delegated authority to implement and enforce provisions of the Asbestos NESHAP. However, DEEP retains its delegation to implement and enforce the Asbestos NESHAP for Title V sources. Therefore, Title V sources must submit an Asbestos Demolition Notification to DEEP and non-Title V sources must submit a Notification of Demolition and Renovation to EPA. For more information refer to Asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) (EPA). Sources must also comply with the Connecticut Department of Public Health's Asbestos Program requirements.

Additional Information

Title V Notification for Asbestos Demolition and Renovation for DEEP


Title V sources must submit an Asbestos Demolition/Renovation Notification to DEEP, at least 10 days prior to any demolition or renovation activity, to the following address:
  • Asbestos Demo/Reno Notifications
  • Compliance Analysis & Coordination Unit
  • Bureau of Air Management
  • Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
  • 79 Elm Street
  • Hartford, CT 06106-5127


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Non-Title V Notification for Asbestos Demolition and Renovation for EPA


Sources that have not obtained or are not required to obtain a Title V operating permit from DEEP must submit a Notification of Demolition and Renovation to EPA, at least 10 days prior to any demolition or renovation activity, to the following address:
  • Asbestos Demo/Reno Notifications
  • U.S. EPA Region 1
  • 5 Post Office Square
  • Mail Code: OES05-4
  • Boston, MA 02109-3912


  • None

Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Notification |


Any person intending to operate a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system pursuant to §22a-174-3d is required to submit a notification to DEEP no later than 30 days after beginning actual construction.


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Emissions and Opacity Monitoring

Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) |


Owners or operators of a stationary source required to install and operate a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) are also required to submit to DEEP written reports no later than thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar quarter. For more information refer to the §22a-174-4.


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Continuous Opacity Monitoring (COM) |


Owners or operators of a stationary source required to install and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) are also required to submit to DEEP written reports no later than thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar quarter. For more information refer to the form instructions and §22a-174-4.


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Emissions Inventory (EMIT)

Electronic Signature Application and Subscriber Agreement |


The Electronic Signature Application and Subscriber Agreement allows permitted sources to submit electronic documents to DEEP through EMIT (Emissions Inventory Reporting System), Connecticut's web based Emissions Reporting application. GPLPE and Title V sources are required to submit compliance related reports using EMIT. For more information refer to Emissions Inventory. Need help with EMIT? Call the EMIT Helpline at (860) 424-3882 or e-mail


Emissions Reduction and Trading

Account Certificate of Representation |


Sources operating under the CO2 Budget Trading Program (§22a-174-31) are required to have a CO2 authorized account representative. An account certificate of representation application must be submitted to DEEP before a CO2 Allowance Tracking System account is established for a source.


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Discrete Emission Reduction Credits


Under the NOx Trading Agreements and Orders issued pursuant to §22a-174-22(j), by DEEP, a subject source is required to submit reports of discrete emission reduction credit (DERC) use, averaging, creation and sales for the previous calendar year or as required by permit or order, whichever is more stringent.

For more information refer to Emission Reduction Credits.


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Fuel Use and Hours of Operation

Fuel Use Tracking for External Combustion Units


Owners or operators of an external combustion unit electing to operate under §22a-174-3b(c) may do so, in part, by restricting and maintaining records of the unit's fuel use. The Fuel Use Tracking form may be used to comply with the fuel use record creation and maintenance requirements of §22a-174-3b(c) for an external combustion unit.


  • None

Hours of Operation Tracking for Emergency Engines


Owners or operators of an emergency engine electing to operate under §22a-174-3b(e) may do so, in part, by restricting and maintaining records of the unit's hours of operation. The Hours of Operation Tracking form may be used to comply with the hours of operation record creation and maintenance requirements of §22a-174-3b(e) for an emergency engine.


  • None

Notification of Operation and/or Cessation of Operation Under RCSA §22a-174-33a & 3b

Notification of Operation Under RCSA §22a-174-33a

Notification to Cease Operation Under RCSA §22a-174-33a

22a-174-33a Annual Compliance Certification Form


Owners or operators of a stationary source may elect to limit potential emissions below major source thresholds by operating in accordance with the provisions of RCSA §22a-174-33a- Limit on Premises-Wide Actual Emissions Below 50% of Title V Source Thresholds. Any owner or operator committing to operate a premises pursuant to RCSA §22a-174-33a is required to submit notification to the commissioner, on forms provided by the commissioner. Any owner or operator electing to operate under RCSA §22a-174-33a shall comply with all conditions and applicable requirements of the section until such time the owner or operator submits a notification to the commissioner, on forms provided by the commissioner, that they are ceasing to operate a premises pursuant to the section.


Notification of Operation Under RCSA §22a-174-33b

Notification to Cease Operation Under RCSA §22a-174-33b

22a-174-33b Annual Compliance Certification Form

22a-174-33b Annual Emission Summary Form


Owners or operators of a stationary source may elect to limit potential emissions below major source thresholds by operating in accordance with the provisions of RCSA §22a-174-33b- Limit on Premises-Wide Actual Emissions Below 80% of Title V Source Thresholds. Any owner or operator committing to operate a premises pursuant to RCSA §22a-174-33b is required to submit notification to the commissioner, on forms provided by the commissioner. Any owner or operator electing to operate under RCSA §22a-174-33b shall comply with all conditions and applicable requirements of the section until such time the owner or operator submits a notification to the commissioner, on forms provided by the commissioner, that they are ceasing to operate a premises pursuant to the section.


Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Reduction and Control

Phase 2 NOx Compliance Option Application


Owners or operators of fuel-burning equipment at major stationary sources of NOx requesting the use of a compliance option pursuant to §22a-174-22e must submit a Compliance Option Application with the requisite attachments.


Pre-Inspection Questionnaire (PIQ)

Pre-Inspection Questionnaire (PIQ)


A questionnaire sent by DEEP staff to sources of air emissions prior to an on-site compliance evaluation. A completed PIQ is a resource used to assist staff both during and after an on-site compliance evaluation.


Stack and CEMS Performance Testing

Intent to Test Form for Compliance Emissions Testing


Owners or operators of sources required to conduct stack or performance testing, pursuant to state and delegated federal standards, must notify DEEP by submitting a completed ITT Form for Compliance Emissions Testing, and protocol (where required) within the timelines specified in the Test Guidelines.

A report of the test results with a completed Compliance Certification for Emissions Test Results Form, and all supporting documents, must also be submitted to DEEP within the deadline specified in the Test Guidelines.

All emissions testing must be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by or acceptable to DEEP as set forth in the revised Source Emissions Monitoring Test Guidelines. For more information refer to Stack and CEMS Performance Testing.


Intent to Test Form for CEMS Relative Accuracy Test Audit


Owners or operators of sources with Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) systems, required to pass quarterly testing audits including relative accuracy test audits (RATA), must notify DEEP by submitting a completed ITT Form for CEMS RATA within the timelines specified in the Test Guidelines.

A report of the test results with a completed Compliance Certification for CEMS RATA Results Form, and all supporting documents, must also be submitted to DEEP within the deadline specified in the Test Guidelines.

All RATAs must be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by or acceptable to DEEP as set forth in the revised Source Emissions Monitoring Test Guidelines. For more information refer to Stack and CEMS Performance Testing.


Intent to Test Form for Visible Emissions


Owners or operators of sources required to conduct visible emissions testing, pursuant to state and delegated federal standards, must notify DEEP by submitting a completed ITT Form for Visible Emissions Testing within the timelines specified in the Test Guidelines.

All emissions testing must be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed by or acceptable to DEEP as set forth in the revised Source Emissions Monitoring Test Guidelines. For more information refer to Stack and CEMS Performance Testing.


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Stage I and Stage II

Certification Report for Decommissioned Stage II |


A Certification Report for a Decommissioned Stage II Vapor Recovery System is required, pursuant to section 22a-174e of the CT General Statutes, for owners or operators of Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDF) to demonstrate that the Stage II vapor recovery system has been decommissioned as required.

For more information refer to Gasoline Dispensing Facilities.


Intent to Decommission |


An Intent to Decommission form is used by owners or operators of a Gasoline Dispensing Facility (GDF) to notify DEEP, at least 30 days prior to the start, of the decommissioning of a Stage II vapor recovery system. Once decommissioning is initiated it must be completed within 100 days.

For more information refer to Gasoline Dispensing Facilities.


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Pressure Decay Test Notification |


A Pressure Decay Test Notification is used to notify DEEP of the time and location of a pressure decay test, at least 7 business days before the start of the test.

For more information refer to Gasoline Dispensing Facilities.


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Stage I Vapor Recovery Test Results Report


Owners or operators of a Gasoline Dispensing Facility (GDF) are required to conduct pressure decay, vapor space tie-in, and P/V vent valve tests at least once per calendar year. A completed Stage I Vapor Recovery Test Results Report must be submitted to DEEP no later than 10 days after testing.

For more information refer to Gasoline Dispensing Facilities.


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Content Last Updated: January 3, 2022