Internal Audit Division

Whistleblower Information

There is a “whistleblower” function for those inside or outside of the Agency that may wish to submit a complaint or concern pertaining to fraud, waste, abuse, misuse of public funds/property, or ethical lapses of DAS employees.

These issues will be reported directly to the Internal Audit Director anonymously, or with contact information. If a complaint is found to have merit after investigation, it will then be forwarded to the Commissioner’s Office and/or the Auditors of Public Accounts for action. 

If a complaint is found to be unsubstantiated/uncorroborated after investigation, the issue will be closed with a follow-up (if not anonymous) to the referring party. 

State employees or other concerned individuals should always feel free to contact us! All information is held discretely and the more information that can be provided, the more accurate and timely the investigation. 

Whistleblower Instructions

Please read these Whistleblower Instructions and submit this form to

Because we cannot undertake investigation without proper cause, we need as much information as possible.

Reports may also be made anonymously, or with identification by phone to 860-713-5509.