12/06/2016 BULLETIN MC-22 Market Conduct Annual Statements
10/25/2016 BULLETIN HC-117 Network Adequacy Review (repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-116)
08/11/2016 BULLETIN HC-116 Network Adequacy Review (repealed and replaced by Bulletin HC-117)
07/29/2016 BULLETIN HC-115 New or Modified Benefits Required to be Provided - Public Act No. 15-5 (June special session)
07/19/2016 BULLETIN HC-86-16 Licensing & Renewal Requirements For Utilizations Review Companies (This Bulletin rescinds Bulletin HC-86-15 dated July 8, 2015)
07/07/2016 BULLETIN HC-114 Required Coverage for Tomosynthesis
07/05/2016 BULLETIN PC-82 Connecticut Insurance Department Requirements for Submitting Property and Casualty Filings via the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing ("SERFF")
06/30/2016 BULLETINS FS-31 2017 Operative Date of Principal Based Reserving Valuation Manual
06/22/2016 BULLETIN HC-113 Annual Filing of Formularies
05/31/2016 BULLETIN HC-112 Health Insurance Coverage for Pain Management – Conn. Gen. Stat. §38a-492i and §38a-518i
03/07/2016 BULLETIN S-17 Required Disclosure For Indexed-Linked Annuities
03/02/2016 BULLETIN HC-111 Health Insurance Coverage for Preventative Services (This Bulletin repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-100)
02/16/2016 BULLETIN HC-110 Moratorium On Health Insurance Provider Fee
02/05/2016 BULLETIN HC-109 Maximum Cost Sharing Amounts on Health Insurance Plans (This Bulletin repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-94)


12/04/2015 BULLETIN PC-81 Price Optimization
11/12/2015 BULLETIN HC-108 and PC-80 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This bulletin rescinds and replaces bulletin HC-103 and PC-79)
10/23/2015 BULLETIN HC-107 Health Insurance Coverage for Work Related Injuries, Accidents, and/or Sicknesses (This Bulletin rescinds Bulletin HC-l01 issued on December 1, 2014)
10/09/2015 BULLETIN HC-106 Rate Filing For Small Employer Plans
09/23/2015 BULLETIN HC-105 Qualified Vendors For Utilization Review Of Behavioral Health (This Bulletin repeals and replaces BULLETIN HC-93)
09/08/2015 BULLETIN FS-16-15 Penalties for Late Filing of Annual and Quarterly Financial Statements to be Filed with the Insurance Department (Amends and Supersedes BULLETIN FS-16-08)
08/13/2015 BULLETIN HC-104 Bulletin HC-104 Health Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatment and Procedures – Conn. Gen. Stat. § 38a-509 and § 38a-536 (This bulletin repeals and replaces bulletin HC-64)
07/08/2015 BULLETIN HC-86-15 Licensing & Renewal Requirements For Utilization Review Companies
07/08/2015 BULLETIN HC-103 and PC-79 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (rescinded and replaced by bulletin HC-108 and PC-80)
06/30/2015 BULLETIN PC-78 Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies-"Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 15-185 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies -- "Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 13-167 (This bulletin supersedes Bulletin PC-74 dated 09/3/2013)
06/16/2015 BULLETIN HC-102 Clarifies Connecticut's mandated coverage for hearing aids under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 38a-490b and § 38a-516b in relation to changes brought about under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
05/06/2015 BULLETIN PC-77 Winter Storms - Prohibition on Declination, Cancellation and Non-renewal Of Homeowners insurance Policies based solely as a result of Catastrophe(s)
02/18/2015 BULLETIN HC-90-15 Filing Requirements for Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Policies Subject to ACA
02/18/2015 BULLETIN HC-81-15 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines
02/05/2015 BULLETIN PC-76 Filing Procedures for Compliance with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Re-authorization Act of 2015


12/10/2014 BULLETIN S-16 Telephonic Applications (This bulletin repeals and replaces Bulletin S-15)
12/08/2014 BULLETIN IC-36 Connecticut Catastrophe Preparation - Emergency Contact and Adjuster Placard Information (This bulletin repeals and replaces Bulletin IC-30)
12/05/2014 BULLETIN IC-35 Connecticut General Statutes §§ 38a-354 and 38a-354a
12/01/2014 BULLETIN HC-101 (This Bulletin was rescinding by BULLETIN HC-107 issued on October 23, 2015) Health Insurance Coverage for Work Related Injuries, Accidents, and/or Sicknesses
11/03/2014 BULLETIN HC-100 Health Insurance Coverage for Preventative Services
09/30/2014 BULLETIN FS-30 Connecticut Form D Filing Requirements (repeals and replaces FS-23 issued January 22, 2010)
09/18/2014 BULLETIN FS-29 Own Risk and Solvency Assessment ("ORSA") Summary Reports
08/20/2014 BULLETIN HC-99 Health Insurance Coverage for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Early Intervention Services (Repeals Bulletin HC-96)
08/18/2014 BULLETIN MC-21 Segregation of Funds for Abortion Services (Repeals  and Replaces Bulletin FS-27)
07/31/2014 BULLETIN L-21 Licensing requirements applicable to persons soliciting or marketing insurance and for handling claims for Risk Retention Groups or Risk Purchasing Groups
07/21/2014 BULLETIN HC-86-14 Licensing & Renewal Requirements For Utilization Review Companies
06/27/2014 BULLETIN HC-98 Connecticut Public Act No. 14-40 - Changes to Utilization Review, Grievance and Appeals
06/26/2014 BULLETIN HC-97-14-2 Revised Statutory Plans Required BY CONN. GEN. STAT. §38a-568
06/09/2014 BULLETIN HC-97 Superseded by Bulletin HC-97-14-2
06/04/2014 BULLETIN S-15 Telephonic Applications
04/22/2014 BULLETIN HC-96 Health Insurance Coverage for Autism Spectrum Disorders and Early Intervention Services (Repealed by Bulletin HC-99)
04/11/2014 BULLETIN FS-28 Insurance Holding Company System Annual Registration Statement Filings - Form B
03/18/2014 BULLETIN HC-90-14-2 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject To The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
03/17/2014 BULLETIN HC-95 AND PC-75 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This bulletin supersedes Bulletins HC-42 dated 02/15/1990 and HC-44 dated 02/14/1991)
03/10/2014 BULLETIN HC-94 Maximum Co-pays and Filing Issues
03/10/2014 BULLETIN HC-90-14 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject To The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
03/10/2014 BULLETIN HC-81-14 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines
01/13/2014 BULLETIN HC-89-14 Annual Filing Requirements Pursuant To C.G.S. §38a-591b(e)
01/02/2014 BULLETIN MC-20 Mental Health Parity Annual Compliance Survey