11/09/2010 BULLETIN S-14 Use of Certificates Of Insurance
11/08/2010 BULLETIN IC-26 Filing Submission Requirements
10/07/2010 BULLETIN HC-81 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines
09/21/2010 BULLETIN PC-68 Personal Automobile Insurance Rate Filings
08/18/2010 BULLETIN IC-25 Information Security Incidents
07/26/2010 BULLETIN HC-70-10 Notice Pursuant To Connecticut General Statute §38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required To Be Provided.
07/22/2010 BULLETIN HC-80 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Policy Filing Guidelines.
06/17/2010 BULLETIN HC-79 Revised Pre-Authorization Form for Cancer Clinical Trials
06/17/2010 BULLETIN HC-78 Connecticut Public Act 10-163 - An Act Concerning Transparency in Health Insurance Claim Data
05/11/2010 BULLETIN HC-77 Connecticut Public Act 10-13 - Continuation of Group Health Insurance Coverage
05/03/2010 BULLETIN PC-67 (Update of BULLETIN PC-61) Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies – “Flex-Rate Filings” Under Public Act No. 06-104, codified at §38a-688a. of the Connecticut General Statutes
01/22/2010 BULLETIN FS-23 Connecticut Form D Filing Requirements
01/13/2010 BULLETIN HC-76 Department of Defense Appropriations Act for 2010 (2010 DOD Act) Extension of COBRA Subsidy / Connecticut's continuation laws.


12/21/2009 BULLETIN PC-66 Cancellation and Nonrenewal Of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies; Renewal Premium Billing Requirements For Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
12/21/2009 BULLETIN PC-65 Public Act 09-72: Notification of Underinsured Motorist Conversion Coverage.
12/02/2009 BULLETIN FS-22-09 Statistical Reports Required of Insurers Using the 2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table
11/23/2009 BULLETIN HC-70-09-2 Notice Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute §38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required To Be Provided
11/17/2009 BULLETIN SL-1 Rescission of Obsolete Excess and Surplus Lines Bulletins - Updated Surplus Lines Information For Brokers and Insurers.
10/13/2009 BULLETIN HC-75 Group Trust and Association Health Insurance Coverage - This bulletin is an update and supplement to Bulletin HC-32 dated July 15, 1983.
09/16/2009 BULLETIN HC-74 Public Act 09-49 - Amended External Appeal Law
09/02/2009 BULLETIN HC-73 Employer Group Health Insurance Premium Payments for Terminated Employees under Public Act No. 09-126
08/07/2009 BULLETIN PC-42-09 Cancellation and Non-renewal of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies. Renewal Premium Billing Requirements for Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
08/04/2009 BULLETIN HC-70-09 Notice Pursuant To Connecticut General Statute §38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required To Be Provided
07/10/2009 BULLETIN IC-21 (Revised) Definition of Spouse under Insurance Policies
06/29/2009 BULLETIN IC-24 Improper Business Practices by Bail Bond Licensees
05/18/2009 BULLETIN S-13 Rescission of Connecticut Insurance Department Bulletin
05/05/2009 BULLETIN IC-23 Timely Response to Complaint Inquiries
05/01/2009 BULLETIN PC-63-01 (Revised) Exemption of Certain Commercial Lines Property and Casualty Policy Forms, Rates and Rules
04/20/2009 BULLETIN IC-22 Industry Responsibility Concerning Public Confidence/Unfair Trade Practices, Replacements and Sales Promotion
01/22/2009 BULLETIN HC-71 (Revised) New Dependent Definition under Public Act No. 08-147


11/18/2008 BULLETIN IC-21 Definition of Spouse under Insurance Policies
10/21/2008 BULLETIN FS-16-08 Penalties for Late Filing of Annual and Quarterly Financial Statements to be Filed with the Insurance Department
10/01/2008 BULLETIN IC-20 Industry Responsibility Concerning Replacement of Life Policies and Annuities Issued by AIG
09/17/2008 BULLETIN IC-19 Increase in Fines Levied By The Insurance Department under Public Act No. 08-178
09/16/2008 BULLETIN IC-18 Confidential of Social Security Numbers and Other Personal Information under Public No. 08-167
08/13/2008 BULLETIN HC-72 Permitted Use of Marketers under Public Act No. 08-181
08/05/2008 BULLETIN HC-71 New Dependent Definition under Public Act No. 08-147
08/01/2008 BULLETIN HC-70 Notice Pursuant To Connecticut General Statute §38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required To Be Provided 
06/23/2008 BULLETIN FS-22 Statistical Reports Required of Insurers Using The 2001 CSO Preferred Class Structure Mortality Table
06/16/2008 BULLETIN HC-69 Legitimate Disputes - Connecticut Unfair Insurance Practices
06/04/2008 BULLETIN HC-68 External Appeal Process and Procedures
03/19/2008 BULLETIN HC-67 A Bulletin Concerning the Use of Discretionary Clauses
03/18/2008 BULLETIN L-16 Clarification Concerning Required Continuing Education Credits and Designations Allowed for Examination Exemptions
02/14/2008 BULLETIN PC-64 Filing Procedures For Compliance With The Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
01/10/2008 BULLETIN S-11 Deferred Annuities Without Death Benefits
01/07/2008 BULLETIN PC-63 Commercial Rate and Form Filing Exemptions
01/07/2008 BULLETIN PC-62 2008 Forms Filing Procedures, Transmittal Form