12/27/2019 BULLETIN HC-127 Repeal of Annual Fee on Health Insurance Providers
12/18/2019 BULLETIN S-18 Rate Reduction, Loss Control & Loss Mitigation Value Added Products and Services Offered or Provided By Insurers Health Care Centers and Fraternal Benefits Societies
12/12/2019 BULLETIN FS-35 Effective Date Changes Made to the Principle-Based Reserving Valuation Manual
07/23/2019 BULLETIN PC-89 Public Act 19-125 - An Act Concerning the Insurance Department's Recommended Changes to the Insurance Statutes, Insurance Plans Procured By the Comptroller and Retirement Plans (This Bulletin is intended to update Bulletin PC-83 dated January 13, 2017)
07/22/2019 BULLETIN PC-88 Cancellation and Nonrenewal of Personal and Commercial Insurance Policies
05/06/2019 BULLETIN HC-126 Concerning Stop Loss Insurance Policies
03/19/2019 BULLETIN HC-125 Health Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatment and Procedures Conn. – Gen. Stat. § 38a-509 and § 38a-536
02/15/2019 BULLETIN HC-90-19 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject to The Affordable Care Act (ACA) (repealed and replaced HC-90-18)
02/15/2019 BULLETIN HC-81-19 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines (repealed and replaced HC-81-18)
02/06/2019 BULLETIN HC-117-19 Network Adequacy Review (repealed and replaced HC-117-18)
02/06/2019 BULLETIN HC-113-19 Annual Filing of Formularies (repealed and replaced Bulletin HC-113-17) - Click here for Formulary Survey Form


12/19/2018 BULLETIN FS-34 Effective Date Changes Made to the Principle-Based Reserving Valuation Manual
10/24/2018 BULLETIN HC-124 Maximum Co-payment Amounts Eliminated (repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-109)
10/16/2018 BULLETIN PC-87 Automobile and Motorcycle Insurance Identification Cards
09/25/2018 BULLETIN PF-24 Accidental Death Benefit Policies and Riders (rescinds bulletin PF-07)
08/27/2018 BULLETIN HC-123 Definition of “Employer” under Section 3(5) of ERISA – Association Health Plans (supersedes and replaces Bulletin HC-122)
08/10/2018 BULLETIN HC-122 Definition of “Employer” under Section 3(5) of ERISA – Association Health Plans
08/09/2018 BULLETIN HC-121 Short-Term Limited Duration Health Insurance Policies
08/01/2018 BULLETIN HC-120 Stop Loss Insurance Coverage AKA Excess Reimbursement Insurance Policies or Excess Insurance Coverage Policies (This bulletin rescinds, and then combines provisions of four bulletins HC-108 & PC-80 and HC-95 & PC-75)
05/09/2018 BULLETIN FS-33 Expansion and Corporate Amendment Applications - Seasoning Requirements
02/21/2018 BULLETIN HC-119 Moratorium on Health Insurance Provider Fee
01/31/2018 BULLETIN HC-117-18 Network Adequacy Review (repealed and replaced HC-117-17)
01/31/2018 BULLETIN HC-90-18 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject to The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
01/31/2018 BULLETIN HC-81-18 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines


12/12/2017 BULLETIN FS-32 Effective Date of Changes Made to the Principle-Based Reserving Valuation Manual
09/13/2017 BULLETIN L-22 Changes To The Licensing Requirements Applicable To Individuals and Business Entities Marketing Travel Insurance Products
08/01/2017 BULLETIN PC-86 Public Act No. 17-114 (the “Act”) increases the minimum amount of automobile insurance a person must maintain to register a private passenger motor vehicle.
07/21/2017 BULLETIN IC-38 Terrorism Risk Insurance Data Call
07/14/2017 BULLETIN PC-85 (Update of Bulletin PC-78) Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies—“Flex-Rate Filings” Under Public Act No. 17-121
06/16/2017 BULLETIN PC-84 Filing Fee For Extended Warranty Contracts (Amendment to Bulletin PC-45-03 dated October 30, 2003)
06/13/2017 BULLETIN MC-23 Certification and Notice Requirements Concerning Security Program to Safeguard Personal Information
04/04/2017 BULLETIN HC-118 Coinsurance in HMO Plan Designs
03/02/2017 BULLETIN HC-117-17 Network Adequacy Review (repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-117) - Click here for Network Adequacy Survey Form
03/02/2017 BULLETIN HC-113-17 Annual Filing of Formularies (repeals and replaces Bulletin HC-113) - Click here for Formulary Survey Form
03/02/2017 BULLETIN HC-90-17 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject to The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
03/02/2017 BULLETIN HC-81-17 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines
01/23/2017 BULLETIN FS-4C-16 Financial Reporting For CAPTIVE INSURERS
01/23/2017 BULLETIN FS-4RR-16 Financial Reporting and Other Requirements for RISK RETENTION GROUPS
01/13/2017 BULLETIN PC-83 Public Act No. 16-136 - Automobile and Homeowners Insurance Third Party Designation (This Bulletin rescinds and replaces Bulletin PC-51)
01/09/2017 BULLETIN IC-37 Consumer Disclosure of Contractual Limitations Period in The Event of A Claim Denial