12/19/2013 BULLETIN IC-34 Gender Identity Nondiscrimination Requirements
09/16/2013 BULLETIN PF-23 Rescission of Bulletins PF-15 and PF-15a
09/10/2013 BULLETIN FS-27 Segregation of Funds for Abortion Services (Repealed and Replaced by Bulletin MC-21)
09/03/2013 BULLETIN HC-93 Section 72 of Connecticut Public Act No. 13-3 Behavioral Health Statutory Clinical Review Criteria Requirements
09/03/2013 BULLETIN PC-74 Update of Bulletin PC-67 Concerning Insurance Rates for Voluntary Market Personal Risk Policies -- "Flex-Rate Filings" Under Public Act No. 13-167
08/12/2013 BULLETIN FS-26 Use Of Separate Accounts As Reserve For Fixed Retirements Benefits
08/12/2013 BULLETIN FS-25-1 Requirements to Become a Connecticut Certified Reinsurer - Updated
07/25/2013 BULLETIN SL-4 New Procedures for Filing Surplus Lines Taxes and Affidavits
07/25/2013 BULLETIN IC-33 The Affordable Care Act and the Connecticut Health Exchange
07/23/2013 BULLETIN PC-73 Use of Deductibles For Workers' Compensation Insurance; Large Risk Alternative Rating Options
07/23/2013 BULLETIN PC-72 Procedures For Submitting Workers' Compensation Form, Rate and Rule Filings
07/16/2013 BULLETIN HC-86-13 Revised Licensing & Renewal Requirements For Utilization Review Companies
07/16/2013 BULLETIN IC-32 Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraisers
06/25/2013 BULLETIN IC-31 In the event of a significant weather-related event or other disaster for which the Governor declares a state of emergency in Connecticut...
06/19/2013 BULLETIN HC-92 Sections 70-78 of Connecticut Public Act No. 13-3 -- Behavioral Health Changes to Utilizations Review, Grievance and Appeals
03/25/2013 BULLETIN HC-91 Rating Factors Established By Connecticut For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject To The Affordable Care Act
03/01/2013 BULLETIN FS-25 Requirements to Become a Connecticut Certified Reinsurer
01/23/2013 BULLETIN T-5 Connecticut's Interest on Lawyer's Trust Accounts (IOLTA)/Interest on Trust Account (IOTA) Programs
01/08/2013 BULLETIN HC-89-13 Annual Filing Requirements Pursuant to Section 38a-591b(e) Of The Connecticut General Statutes


12/07/2012 BULLETIN FS-4-12 Annual Statement - Click here for Checklists
12/03/2012 BULLETIN FS-24 Credit for Reinsurance Reporting Requirements
11/01/2012 BULLETIN HC-90 Filing Requirements For Individual and Small Employer Group Health Insurance Policies Subject to The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
10/15/2012 BULLETIN PC-71 Bulletin PC-71 Exemption of Certain Commercial Lines Property and Casualty Policy Forms, Rates and Rules
09/04/2012 BULLETIN L-20 Changes to Licensing Requirements for Adjusters Who Handle Subrogation Claims.
07/06/2012 BULLETIN HC-70-12 Notice Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required To Be Provided.
06/15/2012 BULLETIN SL-3 New Procedures for Filing Surplus Lines Taxes and Surplus Lines Affidavits.
05/21/2012 BULLETIN L-19 Changes to Licensing Requirements for Adjusters Who Handle Subrogation Claims. NOTE: Bulletin L-19 is superseded by Bulletin L-20
04/20/2012 BULLETIN IC-30 Connecticut Catastrophe Preparation - Emergency Contact and Adjuster Placard Information
01/23/2012 BULLETIN HC-89 Annual Filing Requirements Pursuant To Public Act 11-58


12/19/2011 BULLETIN L-18 Annuity Suitability
11/02/2011 BULLETIN IC-29 (Reissued) Weather related event or other disaster
10/03/2011 BULLETIN HC-88 Health Insurance Rate and Form Filing Submission Guidelines for Association Business
09/30/2011 BULLETIN IC-28 Changes to the requirements applicable to Surety Bail Bond Agents due to the passage of Public Act 11-45
09/01/2011 BULLETIN HC 70-11 Notice Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 38a-477a of New or Modified Benefits Required to Be Provided
08/02/2011 BULLETIN PC-70 Update of Insurance Department Bulletin PC-67 Concerning the Sunset Date for Flex-Rate Filings
08/01/2011 BULLETIN HC-87 Allowable Office Visit Copayments For Mental Health Services To Comply With Mental Health Parity
07/28/2011 BULLETIN L-17 Third Party Administrator (TPA) Licensing
07/19/2011 BULLETIN HC-86 Licensing Requirements for Utilization Review Companies
07/18/2011 BULLETIN SL-2 Implementation of Federal Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act in Connecticut
07/01/2011 BULLETIN HC-85 Public Act 11-58 - Rescission and Eligibility Reviews
06/20/2011 BULLETIN HC-84 Revisions To Utilization Review Licensing and Procedural Requirements - Publict Act 11-58
05/31/2011 BULLETIN HC-81-2 Health Insurance Rate Filing Submission Guidelines (Revised)
05/20/2011 BULLETIN HC-83 Process and Timeline Requirements for Revised Internal and External Review Processes
05/11/2011 BULLETIN HC-82 Health Insurance Form Filing Submission Guidelines For Revised Internal and External Appeals Processes
05/04/2011 BULLETIN CL-6 Rescission of Connecticut Insurance Department BULLETIN CL-2
03/17/2011 BULLETIN PC-69 Summary of Consumer Protections Regarding the Use of Credit Required by Public Act 10-7
02/24/2011 BULLETIN FS-4SL-10 (REV) Financial Reporting Requirements for ALL ELIGIBLE SURPLUS LINES INSURERS (02/24/2011 Revised)
02/03/2011 BULLETIN IC-27 Use of Retained Asset Accounts