Press Releases

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  • 3/4/2013 Gov. Malloy: Economic Development Initiatives Help Small Businesses Create Jobs in Connecticut

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith today visited four small businesses in Manchester, Meriden, New Haven, and Stamford that are participating in the state's Small Business Express Program (EXP). The program, administered by DECD, offers grants and matching loans to Connecticut companies with 100 or fewer employees.

  • 3/4/2013 Gov. Malloy: $29 Million Investment to Bolster Housing Efforts

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced a state investment of more than $29 million in nine housing developments in Brookfield, Canaan, Hartford, New Haven, Vernon, and West Hartford.

  • 2/28/2013 Gov. Malloy: Recycling Market Development Council Will Strengthen Economy, Create Jobs, and Protect Environment

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy, joined by Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Commissioner Daniel Esty, Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith, and state leaders, today announced the formation of the Recycling Market Development Council to expand and strengthen Connecticut's efforts to recapture valuable materials that are in the waste stream.

  • 1/25/2013 Gov. Malloy: Investment in Precision Manufacturing Will Create Jobs

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the State Bond Commission voted to approve a $5 million loan to APS Technology, Inc. a global provider of high technology and services to the oil and gas drilling industry.

  • 1/3/2013 Gov. Malloy, Lt. Gov. Wyman, Business Leaders Discuss Small Business Growth and Economic Development

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman, and Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith today hosted a roundtable discussion at the Capitol with more than 30 Connecticut businesses that have received funding through the Small Business Express (EXP) program.

  • 12/13/2012 Gov. Malloy Announces New Tenant at Colt Gateway

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that Foley Carrier Services, LLC has relocated its operations from Glastonbury to a 17,000 square foot space in the South Armory of Colt Gateway in Hartford. The move brings 110 jobs to Hartford immediately, with plans to add up to 70 new jobs within three years.

  • 10/4/2012 Gov. Malloy: Report Reviews Economic Development Potential for State's Deep Water Ports

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced the completion of the Connecticut Deep Water Port Strategy Study which was commissioned by Connecticut's Department of Transportation (DOT) to guide the development of a long-term economic development strategy for the deep water ports in Bridgeport, New Haven, and New London. The study makes recommendations to protect existing commercial operations at these ports, and identifies new opportunities for business growth.

  • 10/4/2012 Gov. Malloy: Charter Communications Establishing Corporate Headquarters in Connecticut

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy announced today that Charter Communications, Inc., a Fortune 500 company and the fourth-largest cable operator in the United States, plans to establish its headquarter office in downtown Stamford. Charter will invest more than $10 million and intends to bring 200 jobs to the area, which includes the majority of its executive officers. Charter will lease an approximately 70,000 square foot space at 400 Atlantic Street.

  • 9/27/2012 Gov. Malloy: Cable Manufacturer Expanding in Plainfield

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced the state will provide a $1.5 million loan to support C&M Technologies’ plan to acquire more manufacturing equipment. The project will help retain the company’s current 178 employees and will allow the company to add 21 full-time positions in the next two years.

  • 9/27/2012 Gov. Malloy Announces Support for Thomas G. Faria Corporation

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced a $3.5 million loan to Montville-based Thomas G. Faria Corporation in support of its planned expansion and acquisition of an out-of-state firm.

  • 9/26/2012 Gov. Malloy: Infinity Music Hall Coming to Hartford

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) has requested $1.3 million in bond funding to assist Norfolk's Infinity Music Hall and Bistro in opening a second, larger location in the Front Street District of Hartford.

  • 9/13/2012 Gov. Malloy Appoints Three to CT Housing Finance Authority Board

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy has appointed three state residents to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA). Kathleen Corbet of New Canaan, Nuala Droney of West Hartford and Richard Orr of West Hartford joined the board at the end of August.

  • 8/24/2012 Gov Malloy Advance Auto Parts Building Distribution Center in Enfield

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state will provide a $5 million loan to support Advance Auto Parts and its plan to establish a distribution facility in Enfield at the former Lego building, a project that will create between 100 and 200 jobs. The State Bond Commission is expected to approve the funding at its next meeting.

  • 8/15/2012 Gov. Malloy: Bridgewater Associates to Join "Next Five," Will Create Between 750 and 1,000 Jobs

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that Bridgewater Associates, one of the world's leading hedge funds, intends to build a state-of-the-art corporate headquarters in Stamford. The $750 million project will be built along the waterfront in the Harbor Point development. To fully maximize the benefits under the agreement Bridgewater will create up to 1,000 high-level jobs within 10 years and also retain its current workforce of 1,225 employees.

  • 8/2/2012 Gov. Malloy Announces Funding for Affordable Housing, Lays Out Overall Agenda

    Governor Dannel P. Malloy, joined by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD) Commissioner Catherine Smith and Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) Executive Director Eric Chatman, today announced a major commitment to increase the amount of affordable housing in the state in recognition of its fundamental impact in growing jobs and creating a strong economic base.