The Process of Implementing the State Data Plan

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A new State Data Plan is issued every two years. The 2021 - 2022 plan was the most recently adopted, along with a summary document and a related progress report. You’re encouraged to send any ideas or suggestions for implementation of the Plan to the Chief Data Officer.

Public engagement for the 2021 - 2022 plan occurred through the CT Data Collaborative annual conference and a meeting of the Two-Generational (2Gen) Initiative Advisory Board.

Process for Developing and Implementing the State Data Plan:
The inaugural State Data Plan, released in December 2018, was developed through an iterative process made up of three phases, each presenting opportunities for both public and agency input. The three phases include:

  • Phase 1 – A first draft was released and feedback solicited to guide the development of the plan and establish a vision for improving the management, use, and sharing of data for state agencies. The feedback was used to develop a Phase 2 draft.
  • Phase 2 –State Data Plan Principles, Goals, and Focal Points were finalized and added under each principle guiding agency actions and implementation. Feedback from both the public and state agencies were used to develop the Phase 3 draft.
  • Phase 3 – A draft of the State Data Plan was presented for approval to the Data Analysis Technology Advisory (DATA) board pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes.
  • Final Plan – Issued December 31, 2018
DATA Board meetings and materials

The Data Analysis and Technology Advisory (DATA) Board advises on data policy and related issues. Board materials are available via the Government Administration and Elections Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly.

State Data Plan