Auto Insurance - Common Terms

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Collision coverage – Covers damage to your car caused by a collision with another vehicle, object or by your care overturning. There is almost always a deductible you must pay to repair or replace the car.
Comprehensive coverage – Covers damage to your car other than that caused by a collision, including theft, vandalism, animal strike, explosion, flood, falling objects, windstorm and glass breakage. There is usually a deductible.
Bodily Injury liability – Protects you against the claims of other people injured in an accident for which you were at fault. Claims may include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering.
Property damage liability – Pays for damage you caused to the property of others, including their vehicle, walls, fences and other equipment.
Full Glass – Covers your car’s glass for breakage of safety glass with no deductible for an extra premium.
Towing coverage – Covers expense of towing your car to a shop.
Rental reimbursement coverage – Pays for rental of vehicle if you have a loss covered by either collision or comprehensive coverage or if your car is disabled.
Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage – Covers bodily injury to you, relatives who live with you or your passengers if they are injured in an accident caused by a driver with no insurance, a hit-and-run driver or a driver with insufficient liability insurance. Minimum amount required by law is $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident.
Underinsured motorist conversion coverage – Reimburses you if you are injured by an underinsured driver for damages not paid. It is optional coverage and is not reduced by payments from other sources, including the at-fault driver’s liability insurance.

Auto Insurance