What Does the Chief Data Officer Do?

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The Chief Data Officer (CDO) position was established in 2018 in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes. The CDO is responsible for:

  • Directing executive branch agencies on the use and management of data to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of state programs and policies
  • Facilitating the sharing and use of executive branch agency data (A) between executive branch agencies, and (B) with the public
  • Coordinating data analytics and transparency master planning for executive branch agencies
  • Creating the State Data Plan
  • Providing a procedure for each agency head to report regarding the agency's progress toward achieving the plan's goals.

In addition to each of the above responsibilities, the CDO takes a leading role in operating the state's Open Data Portal.

Chief Data Officer:

Scott Gaul
Office of Policy and Management
450 Capitol Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-418-6236
email: scott.gaul@ct.gov


State Data Plan