Stakeholder Outreach and Participation Through DEEP
DEEP offers many opportunities for stakeholders to participate in shaping our policies and regulations, ranging from working groups and advisory committees to other recurring discussions. Following are some key examples:
Bottle Bill Advisory Group engages stakeholders and legislators and solicits input on the areas of interest and question regarding components and implementation of the state’s bottle redemption program, pursuant to PA 21-58. Sign up to receive updates for the Bottle Bill Advisory Group. View the meeting schedule, meeting registration links, and public comments on the website.
Broadband Stakeholder Roundtable is a quarterly public discussion on the latest program updates and a tailored discussion on the opportunities and obstacles to universal, affordable, and reliable high-speed internet in Connecticut. Meetings are organized by organization types including service providers, state and local governments, and community organizations. View the schedule and register for the appropriate roundtable. Contact to be more involved.
Commission on Environmental Standards (CES) provides input on best practices to avoid, minimize, and mitigate impacts to wildlife, natural ecosystems, and traditional or existing water-dependent uses during the construction and operation of offshore wind power facilities, pursuant to PA 19-71. Recordings of its meetings are listed on the Concierge page. Contact to be more involved.
Connecticut Coalition for Sustainable Materials Management (CCSMM) explores reduction of waste, increasing recycling and organics diversion, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation, and other innovative solutions through a DEEP, municipal, and stakeholder forum. Sign Up for the mailing list to receive information on upcoming meetings.
Connecticut Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Council (CEEJAC) advises the Commissioner of DEEP on current and historic environmental injustice, pollution reduction, energy equity, climate change mitigation and resiliency, health disparities, and racial inequity. Sign Up to participate in quarterly Council Meetings and Subcommittee Meetings.
Conservation & Load Management Plan/Energy Efficiency Board (C&LM Plan/EEB) is an energy efficiency and demand management investment plan that develops programs and initiatives to help Connecticut residents and businesses become more energy efficient. The Energy Efficiency Board is a group of appointed advisors who utilize their experience and expertise to evaluate, advise, and assist the state’s utility companies in developing and implementing comprehensive, cost-effective energy conservation and market transformation plans. The Board ensures these plans help Connecticut consumers reduce energy use in their homes and businesses and help the State meet its changing and growing energy needs. DEEP holds at least one public technical meeting each year on the latest C&LM Plan. DEEP also participates in monthly, public Energy Efficiency Board meetings which are focused on developing and overseeing the C&LM programs/plans. Sign up to receive information about the C&LM program and energy efficiency news and initiatives.
Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3) monitors and reports on the state’s implementation of greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies and develops and implements adaptation strategies to prepare for the impacts of climate change. GC3 meets annually. Sign Up for the GC3 newsletter: Climate Solutions to become more involved.
Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (HWAC) is a stakeholder-driven discussion on the management of hazardous waste. Become a member and stay informed about HWAC activities by subscribing to DEEP's HWAC listserv. Refer to the website for instructions on how to subscribe.
Long Island Sound Blue Plan Advisory Committee (BPAC) is tasked with assisting DEEP's Commissioner with drafting the Long Island Sound Resource and Use Inventory and Blue Plan (Connecticut Public Act No. 15-66).Meetings are held quarterly. Refer to the website for the LIS Blue Plan Advisory Committee upcoming and past public meeting agendas and minutes.
Release-Based Working Group provides advice and recommendations to DEEP on regulations that will implement a release-based cleanup program at this public meeting.
Remediation Roundtable is a public forum for the exchange of ideas and information on the cleanup of contamination. Meetings are held three times a year. Stay informed about Remediation Roundtable meetings and materials by subscribing to DEEP's Remediation updates.
Sensor Loan Program deploys air sensors primarily in environmentally overburdened communities utilizing citizen science and also promotes education and outreach and public health awareness around air pollution. Data collection is web-based, and local, real-time data is displayed on the webpage. If your community group, school, or public institution would like to apply for an air sensor loan, please email the completed Air Sensor Loan Request Form to
Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) is an open stakeholder forum to identify emerging issues and solutions for materials management. Register for quarterly meetings: State Solid Waste Advisory Committee Information And Schedule
State Implementation Plan Advisory Committee (SIPRAC) is an advisory committee on Connecticut's implementation of the Clean Air Act, where DEEP solicits advice from in-state stakeholders. Meetings are held the second Thursday of every other month. Sign up to receive SIPRAC updates and meeting information.
State Natural Heritage, Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Review Board is an independent advisory group appointed to oversee the Protected Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program (OSWA) and the Recreation and Natural Heritage Trust Program (RNHT), pursuant to CGS Sec. 7 131(e). Meetings are held monthly. Contact Co-Chair Amy Blaymore Paterson in advance of the meeting for a Zoom link
Sustainable Transparent and Efficient Practices for Solar Development (STEPS) is a stakeholder engagement process to identify policies, legislative actions, and best practices related to the procurement, siting, and permitting of solar energy generating facilities. Sign up to receive STEPS engagement information, guidance, and updates.
Other opportunities:
DEEP provides many other opportunities for your participation: ways to provide public comment on our initiatives and regulations; signing up for our newsletters; joining DEEP-related boards and commissions; and participating in the permitting public notice process.
Content last updated December, 2024