Conservation and Load Management (C&LM)

Header collage image of energy savings 
Man installing AC unitWhat is the Conservation and Load Management Plan?
The Conservation and Load Management Plan (C&LM Plan) is an energy efficiency and demand management investment plan that develops programs and initiatives to help Connecticut residents and businesses become more energy efficient.

These programs and services are administered and delivered by the Utilities through Energize CT. To learn about energy-saving opportunities for your home or business, visit

Solar Inspector
How does State Energy Efficiency Planning work?
The Plan is updated annually by Connecticut’s electric and gas utilities, with advisory and assistance from the CT Energy Efficiency Board (EEB). DEEP reviews all C&LM Plans and associated budgets in order to achieve cost-effective energy savings across the state. The Plan is funded by various sources, including a charge on customer energy bills, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the proceeds from C&LM savings sold into the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market.


Current and Approved Plans

C&LM Plans are developed every three years and updated annually. Three-year Plans and annual Plan Updates are developed by the utilities, with guidance from the Energy Efficiency Board, public input, and approval from DEEP. The 2025-2027 Plan is still under development, the draft may be accessed here

2024 Update to the 2022-2024 C&LM Plan

On November 1, 2023, the Utilities filed 2024 Update to the 2022-2024 plan. DEEP completed a review and issued a Final Determination on June 25, 2024. To access the Final Determination click the links below:

DEEP Final Determination;

2024 Plan Update Conditions of Approval; and 

Attachment B: Optimization Plan

View Previous C&LM Planning Documents

 News and Announcements

DEEP is currently seeking applications for an Energy Efficiency Board (EEB) member representing the interests of a State-wide Retail Organization. DEEP has simplified the application submission process so that applications can now be submitted to the job posting on the CT.GOV Jobs site. All applications are due on August 16th, 2024.  


Related Initiatives

Equitable Energy Efficiency (E3) Proceeding

DEEP launched a formal proceeding to make its energy efficiency programs more equitable and inclusive. Learn more about E3.

Weatherization Barrier Remediation

Addressing health and safety issues, such as mold and asbestos, that prevent the completion of residential weatherization and energy efficiency measures. Learn more about Weatherization Barrier Remediation.

Contractor Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC)

DEEP hosts regular meetings to interface with energy efficiency contractors. Members of the public and other interested parties are welcome to attend and provide feedback to guide future decision-making. Learn more about CTAC.


Stay Connected 

View all DEEP Energy Web Filings, including all documents and comments associated with Conservation and Load Management Planning.

Any questions on Connecticut's Conservation and Load Management Plan can be sent to

Content last updated February, 2024.