Contractor Technical Advisory Committee (CTAC)

BETP hosts bi-monthly CTAC meetings to interface with contractors and lend support and resources. Members of the public or other interested parties are welcome to attend and provide feedback to help guide future decision-making. All meetings are scheduled for 1:00 - 3:00 PM unless otherwise noted.

Register for Upcoming Combined C&I/Residential Meetings

2024 CTAC Meetings 

February 21, 2024 | Notice | Agenda | Recording

April 17, 2024 | Notice | Agenda | Recording

June 20, 2024 | Notice | Agenda | Recording 

August 21, 2024

October 16, 2024

December 18, 2024



2023 CTAC Meetings

Combined | January 25, 2023 | Notice | Agenda

Residential | March 29, 2023 | Notice | Agenda | Recording

May 24, 2023 | May 24, 2023 | Notice | Agenda | Recording

August 3, 2023 | Notice| Agenda | Recording

October 3, 2023 | Notice | Agenda | Recording

November 29, 2023 | Notice | Agenda | Recording


Prior Meetings 2020-2022. 


Content last updated April, 2024