Climate Change

A longtime leader on climate change, Connecticut strives to develop and support forward-thinking climate-related policies and legislation, as well as participate in groundbreaking regional initiatives. Addressing climate change in a meaningful way presents residents, businesses, non-profits, and municipalities the opportunity to create, evolve, and maintain a sustainable environment, a robust economy, and a higher quality of life for current and future generations.

Connecticut Climate Action Website Thumbnail ImageVisit the Connecticut Climate Action website to learn more about the Governor's three Executive Orders that take action to address the climate crisis.

Economy-wide Climate Plans

Governor’s Council on Climate Change (GC3) Policy Recommendation Report

The GC3’s January 2021 report of 61 near-term actions - viewed through an equity lens and based on the best available climate science - to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt and become resilient to the impacts of climate change. Recommendations include mitigation strategies in the economic sectors of transportation, buildings, electric, and cross-sector as well as strategies for natural and working lands, public health and safety, and infrastructure and land use as well as recommendations focused exclusively on supporting equity and environmental justice and science and technology for climate policy and planning.

The GC3 Report was issued January 2021
EO 21-3 was issued in December 2021
Visit the Webpage

Governor’s Council On Climate Change (GC3) Building A Low Carbon Future For Connecticut Report

This GC3 report examined the efficacy of 2017 and 2018 GHG policies, recommended new strategies to ensure achievement of Connecticut’s 2050 reduction target, and recommended 2030 interim GHG reduction targets for the state economy as well as for the buildings, transportation, and electricity generation sectors.

Issued in 2018
View the Report



Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Inventory

The Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Inventory reports economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions annually and summarizes the state’s progress toward climate-related targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act.

The 2019-2021 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory was released April 20, 2023
Visit the Webpage



Connecticut Climate Pollution Reduction Grant - Climate Action Plans

 This grant will provide funding to undertake further climate action planning to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Connecticut with an equity and environmental justice lens. EPA requires that CPRG grantees produce I) a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP), which will include a focused list of near-term, high-priority, implementation-ready measures to reduce GHG pollution; and II) a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) which will touch on all significant GHG sources and sectors in Connecticut, to establish near-term and long-term GHG emission reduction goals and strategies. Connecticut’s climate plans will draw from and build upon the plans and policy recommendations of the Governor’s Council on Climate Change and the state’s sector-specific climate plans in the areas of transportation, energy, buildings, and natural and working lands. The CCAP will serve as a roadmap to reach the state’s statutory GHG emission reduction targets of 45% below 2001 levels by 2030, a zero-carbon energy supply by 2040, and 80% below 2001 levels by 2050

Visit the Webpage


DEEP’s Economic Sector Climate Plans

The information below spotlights strategic plans and reports led by DEEP which all work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in each economic sector and assist the state and its residents with adapting and becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

Sectors: Transportation | Residential and Commercial | Electric Power | Industrial | Natural and Working Lands

Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES)

The Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES) examines future energy needs in the state and identifies opportunities to reduce costs for ratepayers, ensure reliable energy availability, and mitigate public health and environmental impacts of Connecticut's energy use, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emissions of criteria air pollutants.

Last report was issued in 2018 (2023 CES in development)
Visit the Webpage


Electric Vehicle (EV) Roadmap

The EV Roadmap for Connecticut outlines pathways to achieve wide-scale deployment of electric vehicles. This roadmap complements existing transportation-sector strategies to drive reductions in harmful criteria pollutants, help the state meet federal health-based air quality standards, and mitigate communities' exposure to mobile air source toxicants.

Released on April 21, 2020
Visit the Webpage


Multi-State Medium-and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan (MHD ZEV Action Plan)

The MHD ZEV Action Plan includes more than 65 recommendations for state policymakers to support the rapid, equitable, and widespread electrification of trucks, vans, and buses. Widespread electrification of MHD vehicles is required to avoid the harshest effects of climate change and improve air quality and health outcomes.

Issued July 2022
Visit the Webpage


Assessment of Connecticut’s Need to Adopt California’s MHD Emission Standards

DEEP’s Medium and Heavy Duty (MHD) Vehicles assessment identifies air quality, GHG reduction and public health benefits associated with the adoption and implementation of new emission standards for MHD vehicles.

Issued March 2022
View the White Paper


See: Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES)

GreenerGovCT – A Lead by Example Initiative

Each Connecticut state agency is tasked with developing a Sustainability Performance Plan that lists the necessary actions, milestones, and responsible parties to achieve the sustainability goals and targets set by Executive Order 1.

Visit the Website


Conservation and Load Management Plan

The Conservation and Load Management Plan is an energy efficiency and demand management investment plan that develops programs and initiatives to help Connecticut residents and businesses become more energy efficient.

Visit the Webpage



Integrated Resources Plan (IRP)

The Integrated Resources Plan comprises an assessment of the future electricity needs and a plan to meet those needs. Integrated resources planning examines both demand-side (conservation, energy efficiency, etc.) resources and supply-side (generation/power plants, transmission lines, etc.) resources to determine how to best meet future electric energy needs in the state.

View the IRP


See: Conservation and Load Management Plan
See: Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) 


Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy

The Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy reduces GHG emissions through a roadmap to achieving the state’s goal of 60 percent diversion of materials from disposal by 2024 through addressing reduced in-state solid waste disposal capacity and achieving greater source reduction and returning Connecticut to self-sufficiency.

Adopted in 2016
Visit the Webpage


Connecticut’s Forest Action Plan

The Forest Action Plan is a guidance document meant for the DEEP’s Forestry Division, and our forest conservation partners in governments, academia, extension, non-profits, forest industry, and private landowners. It joins other statewide plans including the Wildlife Action Plan, the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, the Comprehensive Open Space Acquisition Strategy, and the Long Island Sound Blue Plan among others.

Issued in 2020
View the Plan


GC3 Forest Sub-Group Final Report

This report recommends policy, funding, conservation, research, and stewardship actions which would both make forests more resilient and enhance their potential for sequestering and storing carbon as a significant and growing offset for GHG emissions from other sectors.

Issued in 2020
View the Report


Policy on Resilient Forests for Connecticut’s Future

This report provides recommended actions to, in the face of climate change, comprehensively avoid forest conversion; protect healthy, intact, and resilient forests; offset planned or permitted forest losses; provide incentives for stewardship, forest retention, and forest resiliency; and protect urban forests, build more parks, and plant more trees.

Issued in 2021
View the Report

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Content last updated October 2023