Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut

On April 21, 2020, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released the Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut: A Policy Framework to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption (EV Roadmap).  The EV Roadmap represents a comprehensive strategy for accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) through

  • policies and regulatory tools addressing transportation equity,
  • purchasing incentives,
  • consumer education,
  • charging infrastructure expansion,
  • consumer protection,
  • integration of EVs into the electric grid,
  • utility investment, and
  • utility rate design.

Wide-scale EV deployment is among the primary solutions for achieving the state's statutorily required economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets of 45 percent and 80 percent below 2001 levels by 2030 and 2050, respectively. 

The EV Roadmap focuses specifically on the pathways to achieve wide-scale EV deployment, which complements transportation sector GHG strategies, and will correspondingly drive reductions in harmful criteria pollutants from the transportation sector, help the state meet federal health-based air quality standards, and mitigate communities' exposure to mobile air source toxicants.

NEW Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut - April 21, 2020

NEW Press Release - April 22, 2020

Draft Electric Vehicle Roadmap for Connecticut - October 11, 2019


Stakeholder Engagement 

Notice of Proceeding: Scoping Meeting and Opportunity for Public Comment - December 14, 2018

Scoping Meeting Presentation - December 14, 2018

Notice of Technical Meeting: An EV Roadmap for Connecticut - February 8, 2019

Notice of Technical Meeting and Opportunity for Public Comment  - November 8, 2019


EV Roadmap Technical Meeting - February 8, 2019 

Meeting AgendaMeeting Transcript

Introduction: Keri Enright Kato, DEEPPaul Farrell, DEEP

Panel 1 - Public Infrastructure Today and into the Future: Kathy Kinsey, NESCAUM | Tom Ashley, Greenlots

Panel 2 - Accelerating EV Adoption: Patrick Brown, The HartfordBrett Williams, CSE

Panel 3 - The Role of Time of Use Rates: Dana Lowell, M.J. Bradley & Associates | Kevin Miller, ChargePoint

Panel 4 - Navigating Demand Charges: Chris Nelder, RMI  Watson Collins, EPRI | Rick Rosa, United Illuminating


Public Comments and Filings

To view documents pertaining to the EV Roadmap or to post and view public comments please visit the DEEP Energy Filings page. For questions regarding the EV Roadmap please contact The Office of Climate Change or 860-827-2737.


Content last updated April 23, 2020