Environmental Quality

water discharge pipesmokestacksIllegal dumping

DEEP is responsible for protecting and enhancing the quality of Connecticut’s air, water, and lands.  The Bureaus of Air Management, Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, and Water Protection and Land Reuse, focus on this mission through environmental monitoring, permitting, enforcement, cleanup of contaminated sites, and pollution prevention strategies.


Air Quality  |  Air Permitting  |  Open Burning  |  Wood Burning  |  Mobile Sourcesand more…


Landscape Stewardship  |  Brownfields  |   Open Space


Long Island Sound  |  Aquifer Protection  |  Wetlands  | Water Quality Standards  |  Watershed Managementand more…


Site Clean Up  I  Brownfields  |  Property Transfer Program  |  Remediation Standard Regulations  | Potable Water 

Materials Management

Mercury  |  Pesticides  | PCBs  |  Petroleum Products  |  Radiation  |  Reduce/Reuse/Recycle  | and more…

Waste Management

Emergency Response and Spill Prevention  |  Solid Waste  |  Hazardous Waste  |  and more…


Climate Change  |  Environmental Justice  | Pollution Prevention  |  Maps and GIS Data  |  Permits and Licenses  |  Compliance Assistance  |  Enforcement