Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy

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Released January 24, 2023 - Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy Amendment (CMMS Amendment)

To address reduced in-state solid waste disposal capacity and achieve greater source reduction and return Connecticut to self-sufficiency, DEEP has released a draft amendment to the Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy (CMMS), which is currently available for public review and comment. Click here to learn more!

Released February 9, 2023 - Waste Infrastructure RFI. More info on the Waste Infrastructure Webpage


DEEP has also announced the availability of $1.5 million in state grant funding through the Sustainable Materials Management Grant Program to help municipalities and regional waste authorities evaluate interest and identify governance to form new or expand existing regional waste authorities and engage in planning activities for diversion programs and infrastructure development.

The Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy (CMMS) is a roadmap to achieving the state’s goal of 60 percent diversion of materials from disposal by 2024.  It constitutes the revised statewide Solid Waste Management Plan called for by Public Act 14-94.  Following extensive public outreach and a formal notice and comment process, the CMMS was adopted by the Commissioner in July 2016.

Final Adopted Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy (CMMS)

Quick Highlights of CMMS

CMMS Hearing Report Including DEEP’s Responses to Public Comments

Setting a Course for the Future of Materials Management

The past decade has seen significant changes in the state’s materials management system, including new recycling mandates, new product stewardship programs, and changes in the economics of waste-to-energy and recycling. The CMMS accounts for these changes, as well as drawing on recent studies of the statewide composition of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D). It builds on several years of planning work conducted by DEEP in partnership with the Legislature, including integrating recommendations of the 2010 LPRI report Municipal Solid Waste Management Services in Connecticut, and those of the Governor’s Modernizing Recycling Working Group, and the Resources Recovery Task Force.

All of the actions called for by the CMMS are aimed directly at achieving the state’s goal of 60 percent diversion from disposal by 2024.

Steps for Public Review and Adoption

In accordance with CGS §22a-228 and the regulations adopted thereunder, to provide an overview of the proposed amendments and solicit public comments, DEEP held public hearings on April 13, 2016 at 2 p.m. and at 6 p.m.

Copy of the Public Notice for the Public Hearing Held on April 13, 2016

In addition to the public hearings, DEEP reviewed written comments on the draft during the period commencing on February 16, 2016 through and including April 13, 2016.


Previous Solid Waste Management Plan (2006)
Report of the Modernizing Recycling Working Group (2012)
LPRI Report: Municipal Solid Waste Management Services in Connecticut (2009)
2015 State-wide MSW Composition & Characterization Study
2016 State-wide Construction and Demolition Waste Composition Study

Written Comments Submitted on Draft CMMS:

4/13/16 Public Hearing Transcript Session I

4/13/16 Public Hearing Transcript Session II


For more information about the CMMS, please contact James Albis, Director, Office of Policy and Planning, Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance.  

Content last updated March 29, 2023