State Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee

The State Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (HWAC) is a stakeholder-driven workgroup that facilitates discussion and focuses on issues of interest to persons involved in the management of hazardous waste. HWAC also provides opportunities for free training on hazardous waste generator requirements.

History and Background

In July 2008, the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division ("WEED") of the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, in cooperation with a workgroup of external stakeholders, completed its analysis of the state’s RCRA hazardous waste management program. This analysis was part of the Commissioner’s "Path of Least Resistance" initiative to identify innovative solutions for achieving environmental outcomes.

The workgroup developed a list of priority recommendations titled "Proposal for Implementation of Priority Recommendations." Critical to the successful implementation of such recommendations is the creation of a Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee ("HWAC"). 

The purpose and responsibilities of HWAC are in short to:

  • Assist the Department in implementing the priority recommendations and training;
  • Continue the open dialogue and constructive information sharing between the Department and regulated community;
  • Identify emerging issues and propose solutions;
  • Further develop secondary program concerns and conceptual solutions;
  • Act as sounding board for implementation activities; and
  • Better inform participants of open stakeholder forum meetings.

In September 2008, the Commissioner enthusiastically agreed to the recommendation to create a HWAC, along with a schedule to implement the priority recommendations. A kickoff meeting with the Commissioner was held on November 6, 2008.

HWAC membership is open to the public, and meetings are held in an open stakeholder forum either at DEEP’s offices at 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT or another regional location (to be specified). Meetings at DEEP are typically held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. in the Gina McCarthy Auditorium on the 5th floor. See State Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee Information And Schedule for upcoming meeting information, and minutes and presentations from previous meetings.

To become a member of the Advisory Committee

The Department is seeking broad representation of stakeholders to serve as members of HWAC and all are welcome to be members and attend upcoming meetings. To become a member and stay informed of the advisory committee activities, please subscribe to our DEEP-HWAC listserv by following the steps outlined below. You will receive e-mail notification of meetings and related postings.

To subscribe to the Listserv:

  • Compose an email to from the email address you wish to have added.
  • Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:  
    Subscribe DEEP_HWAC YourFirstName YourLastName
    (Substitute your first and last name)
    Note: If you have an e-mail signature, header, and/or footer set up to be automatically included in emails, you will need to delete these before sending the subscribe request.
  • You will receive an e-mail confirmation request.  Follow the directions to confirm your email address.
  • You will then receive an e-mail that you have successfully subscribed to the listserv.

To unsubscribe from the Listserv:

  • Compose an email to
  • Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:  
    Signoff DEEP_HWAC
  • You will receive an e-mail confirmation that you have successfully unsubscribed from the listserv.
  • Requests to unsubscribe must be sent from the same email account used when subscribing to the email list.

If you experience difficulty with registering for the HWAC Listserv, please send us an email or call our toll-free help line at 1-888-424-4193.

Content last Revised August 23, 2023