The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Tuberculosis Information for Local Health Departments

State of Connecticut Public Health Law (C.G.S. 19a) and state Standards of Care provide the framework for Tuberculosis (TB) disease and latent TB infection (LTBI) patient care and control in Connecticut.

The management and care of TB and LTBI patients affects each Local Health Department or District (LHD) differently. While some LHDs may manage multiple active TB disease cases each year, many Connecticut LHDs will go for years without an active TB case in their jurisdictions.

However, many core responsibilities for TB control and care (i.e., Case Management) rest solely with LHDs. The information and resources below are intended to help LHDs undertake TB Case Management when they receive a report of active TB in their jurisdiction.

These resources below include relevant state laws, standards of care, planning for patient interviews, hospital/facility discharge, case management, and contact investigation. All of these activities fall under LHD responsibility.

Directors of Health should review the guidance below to assist in planning their response for when a TB or LTBI patient resides in, or is discharged to, their communities. Actively planning for TB prevention, control, and patient care is key to managing and protecting the health of Connecticut communities.

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