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Tuberculosis Quarantine Laws


SUMMARY (C.G.S. Chapter 386g, Sec. 19a-265):

To view the complete law, please visit the Connecticut General Assembly website.  


  • Helps ensure that people with potentially infectious TB are made noninfectious as quickly as possible.
  • Helps ensure that people with TB complete their prescribed medical regimen.
  • Prevents the emergence and spread of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB).
  • Helps ensure that people who need help to comply with their TB treatment get assistance.


The TB Control Law requires the local health director in the town in which the patient resides to work with the attending physician and the patient to develop and approve: 
  • A hospital discharge plan, if the patient has been hospitalized.
  • An outpatient treatment plan.

To be completed by the local health director in collaboration with: the state TB control program, the primary physician for the patient, and the patient. Steps must occur in this order. Each step has procedural requirements, with a time frame. 

  • Issue a warning for examination.
  • Issue a warning for treatment.
  • Issue a warning for DOT (Directly Observed Therapy).
  • Issue an emergency commitment order for those who do not comply with the above steps.
  • Petition the probate court for a judicial commitment order until therapy is complete.
  • A person will not be forced to swallow medications.
  • All warnings and orders will be in a language that the patient can understand.
  • A person subject to a probate court order has the right to appeal to superior court.
  • Any action (for example, a warning for treatment, examination, or DOT) will be supported by proper documentation.
  • All orders, applications and petitions of local health directors shall be kept confidential.
  • A person who cannot afford legal counsel will have it provided for him/her.

 A complete copy of the Connecticut's Tuberculosis Control Law may be obtained by calling the TB Control Program at 860-509-7722.



This page last updated 7/22/2021.