TB and LTBI Planning and Preparation for Local Health Departments
Key aspects that Local Health Departments and Districts (LHDs) might use for planning and preparation for when active TB cases or LTBI patients reside in their jurisdictions.
- Know the roles and responsibilities of Directors of Health and LHDs in preventing the spread of TB and other communicable diseases in communities
- Know where/how to find updated TB resources and information for LHD staff, and for patients and their families. For example:
- Assess fit testing for LHD Director of Health and/or TB response staff
- Know where to find report forms and contact numbers for local, and state, and federal contacts
- Create a response plan for active TB and LTBI. For example:
- Create standing medical orders, nursing protocols, or referral procedures for TB testing, screening, and chest x-rays in the jurisdiction
- Checklist of forms and instructions
- Surveillance and Follow-up Report forms
- TB Patient Interview (sample)
- TB Case Management checklist
- Discharge Plan form (sample)
- Interjurisdictional Notification (IJN) information
- Class B TB Electronic Disease Notification (EDN) form and Instructions
- Assign appropriate personnel with contact information