HEARTSafe Program

HEARTSafe Campus Logo      HEARTSafe Community      HEARTSafe Workplace

The Connecticut Department of Public Health Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) aims to help Connecticut's municipalities, workplaces and campuses improve the chances of survival to anyone suffering a sudden cardiac arrest.

110 of the 169 Connecticut municipalities are designated HEARTSafe Communities, and 11 Connecticut businesses are designated HEARTSafe Workplaces.  These designations are awarded through an application process.  Please see below for Frequently Asked Questions and the downloadable applications.

University of Connecticut (UConn) achieves HEARTSafe Campus designation at the Storrs and regional campuses as well as UConn Law.

 HeartSafe Campus

From left, UConn firefighter Benjamin Roper, UConn senior Justin Pedneault '19 (NUR) and Raffaella Coler, Director of the Connecticut Office of Emergency Medical Services. (Mike Enright/UConn Photo).

Contact Steve Hotchkiss with questions or for more information on becoming a HEARTSafe Community, HEARTSafe Workplace, or HEARTSafe Campus.

For information pertaining to the prevention of heart disease and stroke, please visit our Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program Home Page.