Office of Emergency Medical Services

The Office of Emergency Medical Services is responsible for strategic planning, regulatory & statutory oversight, as well as programmatic implementation of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system in Connecticut.

For EMS providers, this includes development of the educational framework for training EMS providers, application and licensing of over 20,000 EMS providers, inspections of over 900 EMS vehicles and investigation of complaints against EMS providers for standard of care or other regulatory violations. For EMS organizations, this includes coordination of the overall EMS system via review and consideration of new EMS organizations and requested changes in services provided of current EMS organizations, oversight and analysis of EMS Data, as well as investigation of complaints against EMS organizations for regulatory violations that put the public's health at risk.

Recent News:

newicon2025 Rate Application Memo

newicon2025 Long Form Instructions

newicon2025 Long Form Spreadsheet

newicon2025 Non-Charging Form

All organizations that received a 2024 rate schedule from the Office of Emergency Medical Services can complete a 2025 Long Form Rate Application and spreadsheet to request an increase.  All Long Form Rate Applications are due no later than September 30, 2024 to Renee Holota at 

To those providers that have not yet begun to impose approved charges should complete the "Non-Charging Service Certification Statement for 2025". 

Please contact Renee Holota at 860-509-8103 should you have any questions.

2022 - 2025  Maximum Allowable Rates by EMS Organization

Emergency Medical Services Working Group

Section 136 of Public Act 22-118 required the Department of Public Health, in collaboration with the Departments of Social Services to establish a working group on emergency medical services. The working group shall examine Medicaid and private commercial emergency medical services rates; the emergency medical services workforce; and the provision of emergency medical services, including, but not limited to, the adoption of mobile-integrated health care, and the provision of emergency medical services in other states. Please click here for full detail.

List of Infectious Disease Designated Officers

In accordance with CGS 19a-904, which requires posting of a list of Infectious Disease Designated Officers for all EMS organizations on our website, the list is now available to be downloaded by clicking on the above link.

Certified Stroke Centers

Passed during the 2017 Legislative Session, Public Act 17-146 (Sec. 40) requires any hospital certified as a comprehensive stroke center, primary stroke center or acute stroke-ready hospital to submit attestation from the nationally recognized certifying organization to the Commissioner of Public Health.  Visit our new Certified Stroke Center page for a listing.

Designated Trauma Centers

Pursuant to Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Sec. 19a-177-4, hospitals seeking designation as a Trauma Facility must be verified by the American College of Surgeons, Committee on Trauma, and apply to the OEMS. A current listing of hospitals can be found on the American College of Surgeons Trauma Center Database website. 

Legislative Mobile Integrated Healthcare Workgroup

Section 45 of Public Act 17-146 required the Department of Public Health, in consultation with the Departments of Social Services and Insurance, to convene a twenty-four member Workgroup to review specific tasks related to the implementation of a mobile integrated health (MIH) program.  The Mobile Integrated Health Legislative Report to the General Assembly can be downloaded by clicking on the link.

PSA Listings available


Primary Service Area lists by town or by EMS organization can be downloaded by generating a roster at  Choose Emergency Medical Services and select Primary Service Area by EMS Service (No Fee Required).


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