OEMS - Local EMS Planning
During the 2016 legislative session, legislation was passed regarding LEMSPs.
Public Act 16-43 requires each municipality to amend its LEMSP to ensure that an EMS provider, who is likely to arrive first on the scene, is equipped with an opioid antagonist, and personnel is trained in administration of such. Click
here for the letter and form sent to all municipal chief elected officials. Additionally, both the Toolkit and the Sample Plan have been updated to reflect the requirements in the Public Act.
In 2014,
Public Act 14-217 was passed which gave municipalities more control over who provides Emergency Medical Services in their town. The public act also reinforced development of a Local EMS Plan (LEMSP). These plans are an important component of overall town planning and promote healthy business relationships between a municipality and the EMS organizations, at all levels, that provide emergency care to the residents and visitors of the town. OEMS developed a toolkit as a "best practices" approach to building an LEMSP.
OEMS is working with each town, on a five-year cycle, to provide guidance in the planning and development of the LEMSP.
Download Toolkit
Take some time to read and understand the components of the Toolkit and how it will help you design a plan to fit your town. We have also developed a sample plan based on a fictitious suburban town. The sample plan is another tool to help build and design your plan.
Click on the images below to download the Toolkit and Sample plan:
Check Your Deadline
The plans are due on a rolling five-year cycle. They are listed alphabetically for each plan year using the OEMS regions as a guide. Plans are due on January 1st of the following year of the plan cycle (example: for a town in the "2024 Plan Cycle", their LEMSP is due January 1st, 2025).
Click the image to view the cycle:
Get Help
Reach out to Steve Hotchkiss, is the OEMS Local EMS Planner with questions.
One important component of any LEMSP is performance measures. We recognize these are often an unfamiliar concept to many municipal CEOs - below are links to a number of examples to help start the process of including performance measures in your LEMSP:
Please Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed in order to view and print the Portable Document Format (pdf) files.