Statewide EMS Protocols

Version 2024.1of the CT Statewide EMS Protocols was released in March of 2024.  Please click on image for current version. 


This ongoing project continues to be a cooperative effort between the Connecticut EMS Medical Advisory Committee (CEMSMAC), the EMS Protocols subcommittee, the five Regional EMS Council Medical Advisory Committees, as well as many EMS stakeholders across Connecticut.

v2023.1 Protocol Objectives (Jan 2024)

Update to Scope of Practice regarding Epiniphrine and Naloxone (July 2023)


While the CEMSMAC/Statewide EMS Protocol Subcommittee will be conducting planned annual reviews of the document, they have also built in two additional pathways to request interim review.
  • An emergency change, would be a request identified due to a medication/equipment shortage/supply issue, or dramatic shift in standard of clinical care that would result in a risk to public health by delaying review and implementation to the annual review cycle.   Due to the emergent nature of these requests, review would be expedited and the decision would be communicated to the petitioner in five business days.
  • desired change, would be a non-emergent request, and reviewed by CEMSMAC on a quarterly basis, or sooner.  The decision would be communicated to the petitioner once it is available.


Archived versions of the Statewide EMS Protocol documents are listed below for historical reference purposes only.