Environmental/Intermodal Documents

Current Environmental Review Request Form - Revised April 2024

Enfield Railroad Station FRA-HUD Finding of No Significant Impact (320-0017) August 2024

Enfield Railroad Station FTA Finding of No Significant Impact (320-0017) August 2024

Routes 7/15 Interchange - Norwalk - Finding of No Significant Impact (102-358) July 31, 2024

Enfield Railroad Station - Environmental Assessment (320-0017) May 2024

Enfield Railroad Station - Environmental Assessment Appendices (320-0017) May 2024

Route 7/15 Interchange - Norwalk - Environmental Assessment/ Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation/ Environmental Impact Evaluation (102-358)

Appendices for Route 7/15 Interchange EA/ Section 4(f) Evaluation/ EIE (102-358)

Walk Bridge Replacement Project - FRA - Finding of No Significant Impact (301-176) April 2022

Programmatic Agreement Between FHWA and CTDOT For Processing Categorical Exclusions - Checklist and Detailed Instructions January 2021

Supplemental Guidance and FAQ's for 2021 Categorical Exclusion PA and Checklist

Current CEPA Expedited Review Form - Facilities Projects - Revised December 2020

Seaview Avenue Corridor - Bridgeport - Finding of No Significant Impact (15-371) July 2018

CTDOT/FHWA Joint Stewardship & Oversight Agreement May 2018

Seaview Avenue Corridor - Bridgeport - Environmental Assessment (15-371) January 2018

Union Station Parking Garage - New Haven - Record of Decision (ROD) - CEPA Determination of Adequacy (301-114) October / November 2017

Walk Bridge Replacement - Norwalk - Finding of No Significant Impact (301-176) July 2017

Walk Bridge Replacement - Norwalk - Record of Decision (ROD) - CEPA Determination of Adequacy (301-176) June/July 2017

Appendix E of Walk Bridge ROD - Public Comments on EIE

Orange Railroad Station New Haven Line Environmental Impact Evaluation (106-120) May 2017

Appendices for Orange Railroad Station (106-120)

Barnum Railroad Station - Bridgeport - Environmental Impact Evaluation (15-373) January 2017

Walk Bridge Replacement - Norwalk - Environmental Assessment/Section 4(f) Evaluation/ Environmental Impact Evaluation (301-176) August 2016

Relocation of I-91 Northbound (NB) Interchange 29 and Widening of I-91 NB and Route 5/15 NB to I-84 Eastbound - Hartford and East Hartford - Environmental Assessment (63-703) July 2016 and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) - August 2016 

Union Station Parking Garage - New Haven - EIE (301-114) April 2016

Memorandum Regarding CTDOT's Procedure for Consistency with State's Conservation & Development Plan

New Terminal B Passenger Facility and Associated Improvements at Bradley International Airport - Record of Decision (165-393) January 2013

Stamford Transportation Center Parking and Transit Oriented Development Record of Decision (301-047) December 2012

New Haven - Hartford - Springfield High Speed Rail Record of Decision (170-2296) Dec 2012

Stamford Transportation Center Parking and Transit Oriented Development EIE (301-047) Aug 2012

New Terminal B Passenger Facility and Associated Improvements at Bradley International Airport EA/EIE (165-393) July 2012

UConn North Hillside Road Extension Final EIS October 2011
(Appendices Available Upon Request from the Office of Environmental Planning)

CTDOT Environmental Classification Document (ECD) May 2011

Waterbury Oxford Airport  Proposed Hangars H & I EIE February 2011

Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority EIE (410-T077) October 2010

New Haven Railyard Federal Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) May 2009

New Haven Railyard - Environmental Assessment (301-0088) March 2009

Madison Shore Line East EIE (310-0048) March 2009

Madison Shore Line East ROD (310-0048) March 2009

Branford Shore Line East EIE (310-0047 & 310-0048) February 2009

Branford Shore Line East ROD (310-0047 & 310-0048) February 2009

Route 82/85/11 Corridor Final EIS/EIE (120-81) July 2007

West Haven Railroad Station EIE (106-116) June 2007