Work Zone Safety
What We’re Doing
Data & Resources

Lives are on the Line
On any given day in Connecticut, hundreds of men and women put their lives on the line to make our roadways safe. They are our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends, sisters and brothers. The Fallen Highway Worker Memorial in Newington honors all of the workers who have lost their lives in work zone crashes. It’s a reminder that split-second decisions can take a life needlessly. Every time you drive through a work zone is an opportunity for you to slow down and save lives.
Meet Terri the Turtle
Introducing the newest advocate for Work Zone Safety. Terri the Turtle makes appearances across the state to remind drivers to “Obey the Orange” and “Slow Down for Work Zones.” Look for Terri at Hartford Athletic matches and other sports venues, as well as school and community events. Just a kid herself, Terri loves meeting children, passing out giveaways and teaching everyone, young and old, about work zone safety.