How to Apply

Read time: 6 minutes

How can I apply for the Artist Fellowship Program?

Apply online using the Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) e-granting portal. If you need a different method, please contact our accessibility coordinator, Tamara Dimitri, by email at

  • New applicants: Register for an account - for individuals, please enter "n/a" for not applicable into the line requesting an organization name.
  • Returning applicants: Log in with the same email and password you used for our current or previous e-granting portal.

You can save and continue editing throughout the application process. When each task is complete select “Mark as Complete.” When you are ready to submit your application select the “SUBMIT.” You will receive an email confirming that your application was submitted.


Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at least 48 hours in advance of the deadline. Tech support and application assistance may not be available in the last few hours before the deadline.

Your application will includes the following e-grant task forms:

  • Applicant Information Task Form
  • Artistic Discipline & Work Sample
  • Upload a brief resume or bio
  • Artist Pitch / Artist Statement
  • Signature and Certification


Artistic Discipline & Work Sample:

Enter up to 4 disciplines that best describe your work. Only one is required. Your selection will help to place you in an appropriate peer panel review.

Work Sample:

All work samples must represent recent or in-progress work created by you and/or in collaboration with other artists. If you are collaborating on this sample, please name your collaborators as part of your submission. Applicants MUST have primary artistic control of the work.

You may choose only one (1) Work Sample format. Select the format that best aligns with your work and provide a brief description (up to 150 words) about the work you are presenting.

  • Manuscript / Document: Upload one (1) document. It must be 1-25 pages long and submitted as a .pdf, .doc, or .docx file no larger than 5MB. Number your pages. Your sample may be a published work, a work-in-progress, or a combination of the two. You may select 25 continuous pages of a single work, or you may include more than one piece as long as the total sample does not exceed 25 pages.
  • Images: Upload up to 10 images. Each image should use the title of the piece for the file name and must be a .jpg or .png file that is 150 KB – 4 MB in size. The images may be finished work, works-in-progress, and/or detail and installation images. For each image, enter the title, materials, dimensions, and date created in the description box.
  • Video / Audio: Upload or provide a link to one (1) video or audio file. It can be up 5 minutes long. You may submit completed works, works-in-progress, or a combination of the two. Your video or audio sample may be of a single work or more than one. If your file exceeds 5 minutes in length, reviewers will only view/listen to the first five minutes. The form includes a textbox field where you can include a password if your file is password protected.

Reviewers are only required to review the work sample you provide as part of your application. They may choose to review supplemental online links you provide in your application. All links should remain live and available to the reviewers throughout the application review process.

Artist Pitch / Fellowship Statement

You may submit your artist pitch as a narrative/document or as a video/audio presentation.

  • Written artist pitch: Your pitch can be up to 750 words long. Upload a one-page document in .pdf, .doc, or .docx form or type your pitch in the text box in the online form.
  • Video artist pitch: Your video must be less than 5 minutes long. Upload a video file or provide a link to an online source.


Your pitch should include an introduction of you and your artistic practice. Please also briefly describe:

  • Your past work
  • Your plans for creating new work
  • How the recognition and funding will impact your artistic career/goals
  • What you plan to achieve as a result of this award


Additional Items:

  • If available, enter your website URL and/or an additional website URL where more about your work can be found.
  • Include your CreativeGround profile. CreativeGround is a free online directory for the New England arts and culture sector and is managed by the New England Foundation for the Arts.
  • Provide links to your professional social media sites.
  • Upload your resume, bio, or CV.

Applicant Information

We will ask you to provide your:

  • Name and contact information: Be sure to include your legal name and your residential street address.
  • Legislator information based on your residential address: Use the Find Your Legislators site.
  • Select your Regional Service Organization(s) based on the information you find on this page. 
  • Self-identification: Check all that apply (see e-grant application for the checkbox list).

Return to the Artist Fellowship Overview page.

Artist Fellowship Program