Frequently Asked Questions

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Artist Fellowship Program FAQs

When I create an account in the e-grant system it asks me to enter a name for an organization. What should I enter?


Type none or n/a for not applicable.


Should I include a project outline or plan with my submission?

The review is based solely on artistic excellence and artistic merit (see Review Process and Criteria): you are not scored on the quality and character of a proposed project. If you include a project outline or plan, you won’t be held to it if you receive this grant. The Artist Fellowship funds are designed to support artists in a variety of ways which includes changing directions and experimentation that sometimes occurs during the process of developing new work.

Do I request a grant amount?

No, the level of funding (award recognition) is determined during the review process.

I work with a collaborator. Can we submit an application together?

The Artist Fellowship Program recognizes individual artists, so only one person can submit an application. If you submit work samples representing collaborative or group work, list the names of your collaborators. The award, contract, and notification on our website will acknowledge only the artist who submitted the application. 

Artist Fellowship Program