Industries We Regulate
The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) is statutorily-charged with ensuring that Connecticut's investor-owned utilities, including the state’s electric, natural gas, and water companies, provide safe, clean, reliable, and affordable utility service and infrastructure.
PURA is responsible for regulating the rates and services of Connecticut’s two investor-owned electric distribution companies (EDCs): The Connecticut Light and Power Company dba Eversource Energy (Eversource) and The United Illuminating Company (UI), in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations.
- Learn more about PURA’s Framework for an Equitable Modern Grid
PURA regulates three gas utilities that operate within Connecticut, including Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation, the Southern Connecticut Gas Company, and Eversource (formerly Yankee Gas Services Company). The Authority is also responsible for gas pipeline safety in Connecticut.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause (PGA)
PURA processes all filings submitted by Connecticut's investor-owned water companies. These filings address issues including rates for water, rate design, mergers and acquisitions, land sales, sale of assets, takeover of nonviable water systems, and revenue requirements, among others.
PURA provides regulatory oversight of what is referred to as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), which is the traditional, analog voice transmission over copper wires. This service, however, has been largely replaced as customers have migrated towards more sophisticated competitive services.
PURA does not regulate cable companies. Federal and state law grant PURA only minimal oversight of the cable industry. However, PURA’s Customer Affairs Unit (part of the Office of Education, Outreach, and Enforcement) can assist consumers with some cable company problems, including billing and customer service issues. If you have a problem or complaint regarding your cable company, please review our FAQs to learn what you can do and if PURA can help.