New Standard Service Rates for Eversource and United Illuminating (UI) customers, covering the period from January through June 2025, have been announced. Customers are encouraged to check the rate board for up-to-date supply rate options at Energize CT

Beginning in 2005, the state of Connecticut implemented a statutory framework that transformed the state’s cable industry from a monopoly franchise system to a competitive video services market. Presently, any cable and telecommunications companies may offer video services under a CPCN (Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity), a CCFA (Certificate of Cable Franchise Authority), and, more recently, a CVFA (Certificate of Video Franchise Authority). As a result of this competitive environment, PURA no longer regulates the rates and services related to video products.

PURA continues to regulate funding for Community Access Providers (CAPs) and the distribution of grants from the Public, Educational and Governmental Programming and Educational Technology Investment Account (PEGPETIA).


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