National Consumer Voice
Resident Right Resource Center
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DPH and LTCOP - 11-20-20 Letter Regarding Holiday
LTCOP - Letter to Resident Family Regarding Staffing
DPH and LTCOP - 6-26-20 Letter to Residents Family Members and Responsible Parties
Letter From State Ombudsman to ResFamResp
LTCOP and DPH - March 30th Letter to Residents-Family and Responsible Parties of Nursing Homes
Mairead Painter was appointed to the position of Connecticut State Long Term Care Ombudsman in May 2018. In this role, she promotes and protects quality of life for older adults and individuals with disabilities, while overseeing the Program’s advocacy work. She serves more than 30,000 individuals residing in skilled long term care nursing facilities, residential care homes, and assisted living/managed residential communities.
55 Farmington Avenue
Hartford CT 06105-3730
Phone Number: 860-424-5200