
Inclusive Communities Work Group


The Connecticut Long Term Care Ombudsman Program developed the Inclusive Communities work group after working with the LGBT Aging Advocacy Group.  It was found was that concerns shared by both the LTCOP and LGBT Aging Advocacy Group held a common theme, a root that stemmed from a lack of understand and/or bullying. With the understanding that often there is a need for education and outreach, the inclusive communities workgroup was born. The LGBT Aging Advocacy Group had been working with CCC on the Getting it Right Project and offering education and outreach to Long Term Care Communities as well as Home Care Agencies. The Ombudsman program found that this is not only an LGBT issue, but an overall a human rights issue affecting many different marginalized groups.

Vision Statement

A diverse group of providers, advocates, government agencies, professionals, and individuals that works collaboratively to strengthen the long-term care continuum to be inclusive, accepting and welcoming for all individuals so they may invariably be their authentic selves.


To cultivate communities that care for one another and build bridges of common humanity while maintaining respect for every individual. To give voice, identity and specific attention to individuals who identify with one or more marginalized or disempowered group. To curate a toolbox of Inclusive Communities Educational Resources that is utilized across the long-term care continuum.


If you or your organization is interested in participating in this workgroup designed to help create inclusive long term care communities that honor diversity and provide a safe place for everyone to live.  Please Contact our Central Office by calling 860-424-5200 to find out meeting times.  Or Contact us by e-mail: