Insert an Image

You can insert an Image into a page using either the:

NOTE: If the page you are editing is Checked in and Unlocked, select the Lock and Edit link to check it out and edit the page.
Lock and Edit Warning Message


Text Entry Field
  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert an image. A toolbox will appear with icons to choose from.
  2. Select the Image icon Insert Image icon. The Insert Media Item box will appear.
    Insert an Image from the text field

  3. Navigate to your website images from the content tree and select the image you want to insert.
    Insert media from site

  4. Enter the Alternate text if not already populated. (This is required to meet accessibility compliance.)
  5. Select Insert.
    Insert an Image from the text field
  6. Your image will now appear on your page.
    Image inserted from field

  7. Save Save icon your changes.

To change the image, you will need to edit it in the Rich Text Editor.

  1. Click your mouse in the area around the image. A toolbox will appear with icons to choose from.
  2. Select the pencil icon Rich Text Editor icon. The Rich Text Editor box will appear.
  3. Right-click the image and select the Properties option from the drop down. The Image Link Manager box will appear.
    Right clicked mage dropdown with properties selected

  4. Navigate to the new image from the content tree on the left or scroll through the image thumbnails in the middle column and select the image.
    Changing an image through the Image Manager

  5. Enter the Alternate text if not already populated. (This is required to meet accessibility compliance.)
  6. Select Insert.
  7. Your new image will appear on your page.
    Changed image from the text editor

  8. Click the Accept button at the bottom right of the Rich Text Editor box.
  9. Save Save icon your changes.

To remove the image, just select it and delete it from the page.



Rich Text Editor
  1. Click your mouse in the area where you want to add an image. A toolbox will appear with icons to choose from.
  2. Select the Editor icon Rich Text Editor icon. The Rich Text Editor box will appear.
  3. Highlight the text you want to hyperlink.
    Text Editor - Insert an Image

  4. Click the Insert Image icon Insert Imgae icon. The Insert Link box will appear.
    Insert media from site

  5. Navigate to your website images from the content tree and select the image you want to insert.
    Insert an Image from the text field

  6. Enter the Alternate text if not already populated. (This is required to meet accessibility compliance.)
  7. Select Insert.
  8. Your image will now appear on your page.
    Image inserted from field

  9. Save Save icon your changes.

To change the hyperlink, follow the change image steps above.

To remove the image, just select it and delete it from the page.