Adding Alt Text to Images

Adding Alt Text to an image already uploaded in Sitecore is an easy process. Just follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Sitecore Sitecore Platform icon icon at the top left of the page to access the Sitecore Dashboard.
  2. Select the Media Library Media Library icon icon.
  3. Navigate to your images folder from the content tree and view the image thumbnails from the content area.
    • Notice you will see a red warning text alerting you that the image requires further information. This warning indicates there is a missing Alt Text.
      Media Library: Alt Text Warning

  4. Select the image. The image dialogue box appears with a yellow message.
  5. Select the Lock and Edit link in the message to check out the image.
    Media Library: Lock and Edit Message
  6. Scroll down to the Image section and enter the alternate text in the Alt field.
    Media Library: Alt Text Field
  7. Save Save icon your changes.
  8. Select the Edit Edit icon icon then Check in icon Check In to unlock the image and check it back in.
    Media Library: Check In image

NOTE: You will need to contact your System Administrator to have your image published if it is not being added to a page you are submitting for approval.