Insert a Phone Hyperlink

  1. Select the phone number you want to hyperlink.
  2. Click the Hyperlink Manager icon Hyperlink Manager icon. The Insert Link box will appear.
    Hyperlink Manager

  3. Fill out the following fields on the Hyperlink tab:
    • URL - Enter tel: and the area code and phone number w/digits only (example: tel:5555555555)
    • Link Text - Populated with highlighted text
    • Target - None
    • Existing Anchor - None
    • Tooltip - N/A (leave blank)
    • CSS Class - N/A (leave blank)
  4. Select OK.
  5. Select the Accept button at the bottom right of the Rich Text Editor box.
  6. Save Save icon your changes.
  7. Select the Unlock Unlock icon icon to check in your page if you are done editing.


To change the hyperlink, follow the same steps.

Remove a Phone Hyperlink

To remove the phone hyperlink, follow these steps.

  1. Highlight the hyperlinked phone number you want to remove the hyperlink from.
  2. Select the Remove Link icon Remove Link icon and the hyperlink will be removed from the text.
  3. Select the Accept button at the bottom right of the Rich Text Editor box.
  4. Save Save icon your changes.
  5. Select the Unlock Unlock icon icon to check in your page if you are done editing.