Young woman teacher at whiteboard

Help People Pursue Their Passion to Teach

Connecticut is proud of the educator preparation programs offered by colleges, universities, and other dedicated providers. Use these resources to recertify your programs or develop new programs that address teacher shortage areas and/or align with Connecticut State Board of Education goals.

EPP Program Approval Process 

Learn how to have a new program approved by the State Board of Education and continue approval of your offering an existing programs.

National Accreditation 

Read about the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation and how they measure the quality and effectiveness of educator preparation programs.

edTPA Teacher Performance Assessment 

Learn about the performance assessment your students submit to demonstrate competency in planning, instruction, and assessment.

EPP Regulations 

Review Connecticut's regulations for schools and organizations that train our teachers and education leaders.

EPP Statutory Requirements 

Review legal requirements for education preparation providers.

Course Approval Submission 

Submit new courses for review and possible addition to your existing approved course lists.

CEEDAR grants 

Find out how this collaboration helps educator preparation providers improve their programs so new teachers help all students learn.
Two red binders

Certification Requirements

Learn the requirements for becoming certified in Connecticut.

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Contact Information

Lauren Tafrate
(860) 713-6841
Send Email

Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM