State Board of Education
Statutory Charge and Responsibilities
Section 10-4 of the Connecticut General Statutes assigns to the Board responsibility for "... general supervision and control of the educational interests of the state, which interests shall include preschool, elementary and secondary education, special education, vocational education and adult education..." Section 1 of Public Act 97-290 amended the definition of "educational interests of the state" by including the following language: "In order to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation, each school district shall provide educational opportunities for its students to interact with students and teachers from other racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds..." The Board establishes education policy, prepares legislative proposals, sets academic standards for teachers and students, administers a $2.45 billion annual general fund budget and provides leadership and support services to Connecticut's 149 local and 17 regional school districts. It also serves as the board of education for the 17 regional technical high schools.
2025-26 State Board Student Application
Please submit completed application by March 17, 2025.
Five-year Comprehensive Plan for Education 2023-2028