School Transformation

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  • Alliance Districts

    The Alliance District program is a unique and targeted investment in Connecticut’s 33 lowest-performing districts. Connecticut General Statue Section 10-262u establishes a process for identifying Alliance Districts and allocating increased Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding to support district strategies to dramatically increase student outcomes and close achievement gaps by pursuing bold and innovative reforms.

  • Chronic Absence

    Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.

  • Chronic Absence

    Good attendance is essential to student achievement! Research shows that absences add up and that good attendance is essential to student achievement and graduation. Whereas, chronic absence and truancy can be lead to school drop-out, academic failure and juvenile delinquency. By removing barriers to attendance, districts, schools and community partners can improve attendance.

  • Commissioner's Network

    Press Releases, Commissioner's Network

  • Parents Guide to Bullying and Harassment in Connecticut

    Questions and answers about bullying in Connecticut schools

  • Priority School District Grants

    Priority School District Grants, Priority Schools

  • Title IX Coordinators

    Title IX Coordinators,Title IX Compliance, Title IX and Investigations Trainings

  • Turnaround Office

    Home page of the State Department of Education's Turnaround Office