Connecticut Learning Hub
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About the Application: PPR Narratives
The Profile and Performance Report (PPR) Narratives are collected from all public school districts and are designed to collect information about school district policies and activities in several areas.
About the Collection: Appeals Entry
The collection of appeals for the Smarter Balanced Assessment, NGSS Science (including the Connecticut Alternate Science) and the Connecticut Alternate Assessment.
About the Collection: Assessment Accommodations
As a result of the administration of the Connecticut Statewide Summative Assessments, there are several data collections that are used to collect Accommodation information for the Smarter Balanced Assessments, the NGSS Science Test and the Connecticut SAT School Day.
About the Collection: CT-SEDS Oct 1 Child Count (previously SEDAC)
The CT-SEDS Oct 1 Child Count (previously SEDAC) is used to collect data regarding the provision of special education and related services. The data collected is required to provide measurement of each district’s and the state’s compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA).
About the Collection: CT-SEDS Referral and Evaluation (previously Evaluation Timelines)
Evaluation Timelines collects data that are used to monitor compliance to the federal timeline regarding initial evaluations and eligibility determination for special education and related services.
About the Collection: CT-SEDS Restraint & Seclusion Help Site
The CT-SEDS Restraint and Seclusion database collects compliance data that identifies the frequency of use of physical restraint and/or seclusion and specifies whether the use of such seclusion was in accordance with an individualized education program (IEP) or whether the use of physical restraint or seclusion was an emergency.
About the Collection: Directory Manager
DM is the official listing of all districts, schools and other educational facilities. DM is used to manage users and their roles for all Portal Applications.
About the Collection: Due Process Hearing Requests - Resolution Meetings
This application, housed within SEDAC, is used to collect data regarding due process hearings and the results of each resolution meeting.
About the Collection: Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)
The ECO data collection is required for all applicable students with an IEP at least 3 years of age and in the preschool grade.
About the Collection: ED165 - Connecticut School Data Report
The ED165: Connecticut School Data Report is used to collect a wide variety of data elements at the school-level for state and federal reporting.
About the Collection: ED166 Student Disciplinary Offense Data Collection
The ED166 is the Student Disciplinary Offense Data Collection. Districts are required to submit specific incidents to CSDE annually. CSDE then uses this data to satisfy various federal mandates.
The ED204: Title I Part D Neglected and Delinquent Evaluation Report is used to collect data on student participation and academic outcomes from the prior school year. Only districts that receive Title I Part D funds are required to complete this form.
About the Collection: ED205 - Title I Evaluation Report
The purpose of the ED205: Title I Evaluation Report is to provide information from the Title I Part A recipients who report data on student and staff participation. This form collects data on the prior school year. Only districts that receive Title I funds are required to complete this form.
About the Collection: Educator Data System (EDS)
The Educator Data System (EDS) collects data on all Connecticut public school educators and all educators in approved private special education programs (APSEPS) for each of the roles that they hold.
About the Collection: English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessment Participation Exceptions
Domain exemptions are available for students who are dually identified as English learners/multilingual learners (ELs/MLs) with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan.