Connecticut Learning Hub
Tools and Resources for CT families, students and educators to support online and offline learning.
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About the Collection: Kindergarten Entrance Inventory (KEI)
The Fall Kindergarten Entrance Inventory was designed to provide a statewide snapshot of the skills students demonstrate, based on teachers' observations, at the beginning of the kindergarten year.
About the Collection: Noncertified Staff Collection
CSDE uses the Noncertified Staff application to collect para-professional full-time equivalent (FTE) data in nine instructional and eleven non-instructional categories.
The Connecticut State Department of Education uses the Public School Information System (PSIS) to collect data regarding student enrollment throughout the state of Connecticut.
The Teacher-Course-Student (TCS) application collects student, teacher and course data. Analyses of TCS data can greatly inform school and district strategists to increase the college and career readiness of all learners. This data allows districts to make informed decisions about the current state of instruction and learning as well as the ways in which both can be improved, monitored and shared.
Application Information - CSDE Data Collections and Deadlines
This site provides in-depth information about each collection managed by the Performance Office of the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE).
Certification information on Performance Office Data Collection Applications.
Connecticut COVID-19 Education Research Collaborative (CCERC)
CCERC is a collaboration of researchers from universities across Connecticut
Connecticut Interim Assessments: Smarter Balanced and Next Generation Science
This page provides information about The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments for mathematics and English language arts (ELA)/literacy. They are available to students in Grades 3 – 8 and high school. The interim Assessments are one of the three components of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System—along with the end-of-year summative assessments in ELA/literacy and mathematics, and a digital library of formative assessment tools and practices that support classroom instruction.
Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment
This page provides information on The Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment that is administered to students in Grades 4, 6, 8 and in high school. This includes information on the Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment Individual Student Collection, which collects results of the assessment at the student level.
This page provides information about The Connecticut SAT School Day that is administered to all students in Grade 11.
Connecticut Sensible Assessment System
This page contains information and links about state summative assessments administered by the Connecticut State Department of Education
The Writing Portfolio Guides for Grades K-2 include materials that can be used by teachers to complement the instruction of writing over the course of the school year.
List of Performance Office Data Collection Applications with link to Help Sites.
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) treats data confidentiality and the privacy of student educational records very seriously. It complies with all federal laws including Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), state statutes, and guidelines to protect confidential data.
EdSight is CSDE’s data portal that provides detailed information about schools and districts and offers information on key performance measures that make up Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability System.