About the Collection: Educator Data System (EDS)

 Portal Collection Log In Link

The Educator Data System (EDS) collects data on all Connecticut public school educators and all educators in approved private special education programs (APSEPS) for each of the roles that they hold. Educators to be reported include all certified staff and all staff who do not currently hold certification but are in roles that require certification. These data will be matched with the Connecticut Educator Certification System (CECS) and other data collected by the Department (e.g. TCS, DM, and others). The Certified Staff data are used for several purposes including:

  • Federal and state reporting
  • Public reporting
  • Certification compliance and successful service validation
  • Educator Equity Analyses
  • Registration in the TEAM program
  • Validation of Teacher-Course-Student (TCS) data

Important Dates*:

The EDS is a rolling data collection. Changes are expected to be reported throughout the school year as staff take leaves, are promoted and/or transferred, are hired and/or leave your district. As data are used at different times during the year, it is critical that the staff data be kept up-to-date. One of the uses that is of particular importance is the October 1 Reporting Extract. This file is used for both federal and state reporting and is often part of public data requests.

Data Year


Open Date

Submission Due Date

Final Revision Date

Freeze Date


Beginning of year






October 1 Reporting Extract





End of Year Certification OPEN 6/30/2024 7/19/2024 7/29/2024
Beginning of year Always Open
9/16/2024 10/31/2024 2/1/2025
10/1 Reporting Extract
End of Year Certification 6/1/2025 6/30/2025 7/18/2025 7/25/2025


 * Should the Timely and Accurate Due Dates fall on a weekend or holiday, and the district is unable to submit the file on those dates, it is assumed that the data are due to the  CSDE on the business day prior to the listed due date.