Connecticut Learning Hub
Tools and Resources for CT families, students and educators to support online and offline learning.
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Home page of the State Department of Education's Academic Office
Statutory requirements for educating English Language Learners (ELLs) not served in required programs of bilingual education.
Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic, technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.
Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success
Pursuant to Public Act No. 21-2 sec. 402 (8c), The Center for Literacy Research and Reading Success shall be under the direction of a director who shall consult with the Reading Leadership Implementation Council.
Coaching and Self-Reflection Tool for Competency in Teaching English Learners
Aligned to Connecticut’s CCT Rubric for Effective Teaching, this tool is for professional development and growth as well as guiding observations and discussions.
Find information and links to college opportunities
Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge
The Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge stresses the importance of maintaining math skills during the summer.
Communication - Mastery-Based Learning
A variety of communications toolkits are available to assist schools and school districts in explaining the changes necessary to implement Mastery-Based Learning.
Comprehensive School Health Education
Guidance and resources for developing, implementing, and evaluating a planned, sequential school health education program.
Computer Science is a key to developing and integrating 21st Century Skills (e.g., technology, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, creativity, persistence).
Connecticut Apprenticeship and Education Committee
The committee coordinates the education of middle and high school students about careers in manufacturing.
Connecticut Arts and Standards
The Connecticut State Department of Education supports arts learning through education focused on the whole child to promote artistically literate citizens well equipped with the creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills needed to live rich, meaningful lives.
Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards Training of Trainers
Resources for the CELP Training of Trainers sessions on how to use them in planning and practice.
Connecticut Labor and Working Class History
Lesson plans, resources, and materials for teachers about the history of labor and business in Connecticut.
The Connecticut Core Standards, adopted by the State Board of Education in 2010, provide teachers, students, and families with clear expectations of what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level.