Career and Technical Education

Youth Apprenticeship Week is Here! | U.S. Department of Labor Blog


Today's Skills, Tomorrow's Careers

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic, technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. CTE encompasses a wide range of activities to provide students with skills demanded in the labor market while preparing them for post-secondary degrees. Activities include not only hands-on learning, specific career-oriented classes, but also internships, apprenticeships and in-school programs designed to foster work readiness skills. Today’s rigorous and relevant CTE prepares students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand careers.

Middle school CTE has the power to expose students to college and career options and equip them with the transferable skills they need to plan for and succeed in high school and beyond. Middle school CTE adds relevancy to students’ learning experiences by exposing them to real-world options and connecting academics to career and college options.


Career Clusters, Career Pathways, Sample Occupations, and Programs of Study

12 Connecticut Perkins V Career Clusters that best fit the workforce needs of CT:

Connecticut Career Paths A guide to career strategies, job advice, education, training,
wages, job descriptions and local, statewide and online resources

Most Common Teacher Certification Codes for Perkins V Funding

Middle School Resources